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  • 出版社:臺海
  • ISBN:9787516818831
  • 作者:編者:青閏
  • 頁數:339
  • 出版日期:2018-09-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-09-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:379千字
  • 《小故事大道理全集》是讓人獲得自信的心靈密碼,是按摩情感的心靈聖經,也是溫暖千萬心靈、改變千萬人生的傳世寶典。本書所選篇章以英漢對照形式編排,原汁原味,新穎獨特,繫統全面,貼近實際,貼近時代,貼近生活,所選內容發人深省、引人入勝、耐人尋味、勵人奮進。
  • 《小故事大道理全集》分為悟人生的真諦、人生的價值、大自然的愛、人生的恩惠、母親的愛、永遠的父愛、相信愛就會有奇跡和隻要心中有愛等八卷,涉及心態、寬容、尊重、親情、愛情、友誼、善良、感恩、幸福、做人、做事、挫折、成功等一繫列人生課題。這些文章既可以使讀者感到心靈震撼,又可以從容自信,端正人生態度,找到生活方向,成就美滿人生。《小故事大道理全集》分為悟人生的真諦、人生的價值、大自然的愛、人生的恩惠、母親的愛、永遠的父愛、相信愛就會有奇跡和隻要心中有愛等八卷,涉及心態、寬容、尊重、親情、愛情、友誼、善良、感恩、幸福、做人、做事、挫折、成功等一繫列人生課題。這些文章既可以使讀者感到心靈震撼,又可以從容自信,端正人生態度,找到生活方向,成就美滿人生。《小故事大道理全集》分為悟人生的真諦、人生的價值、大自然的愛、人生的恩惠、母親的愛、永遠的父愛、相信愛就會有奇跡和隻要心中有愛等八卷,涉及心態、寬容、尊重、親情、愛情、友誼、善良、感恩、幸福、做人、做事、挫折、成功等一繫列人生課題。這些文章既可以使讀者感到心靈震撼,又可以從容自信,端正人生態度,找到生活方向,成就美滿人生。
  • 青閏(1965—),本名宋金柱,河南武陟人。現供職於焦作大學,中國翻譯協會會員,擅長雙語互譯,迄今已在譯林出版社、東華大學出版社、大連理工大學出版社、外文出版社等出版雙語譯著多部。另在《英語世界》《世界文學》《當代外國文學》《譯林》等報刊發表譯文和論文多篇。他翻譯的原則是:“整體把握字、詞、句、段、篇,力求做到形、聲、色、味、神的完美統一。”
  • **卷 悟人生的真諦

    Life Is an Opportunity/人生是一次機遇 ……………………………………… 2

    The Three Boxes of Life/人生的三隻箱子 …………………………………… 2

    The Orientation of Life/人生的定位 ………………………………………… 4

    The Philosophy of a Mirror/一面鏡子的人生哲理 …………………………… 5

    The Art of How to Hold Life/把握人生的藝術 ……………………………… 6

    The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me/奶奶教給我的人生準則 …………… 7

    The Best Time of My Life/我一生中*好的時光 …………………………… 9

    The Inquiry of Life/人生的疑問 …………………………………………… 10

    First Change Yourself/改變從自己做起 …………………………………… 14

    The Ebb and Flow of Life/人生的漲落 …………………………………… 15

    The Journey of Life Starts from the Set Goal/人生之旅從選定目標開始 … 17

    Position Your Life/定位你的人生 ………………………………………… 19

    Life Is a Symphony/人生是一曲交響樂 …………………………………… 20

    Sense Life/感悟人生 ……………………………………………………… 22

    The Splashes of Life/人生的波紋 ………………………………………… 24

    Do not Meddle/莫管閑事 ………………………………………………… 25

    The Fish I Didn’t Catch/那條我沒釣到的魚 ……………………………… 31

    Behind Time/為時晚矣 …………………………………………………… 33

    Control Your Temper/請君制怒 …………………………………………… 36

    The Artist Surprised/一鳴驚人的藝術家 ………………………………… 37

    第二卷 人生的價值

    You Have Only One Life/你隻有一次生命 ……………………………… 48

    A Promise of Flowers/鮮花的承諾 ………………………………………… 49

    Life Is the Cookie/生命就是小甜餅 ……………………………………… 52

    The Worth of Life/生命的價值 …………………………………………… 53

    Life Is like a Piece of Cake/生活就像一塊蛋糕 …………………………… 55

    The Only Attitude Is Gratitude/感激是**的態度 ……………………… 55**卷 悟人生的真諦

    Life Is an Opportunity/人生是一次機遇 ……………………………………… 2

    The Three Boxes of Life/人生的三隻箱子 …………………………………… 2

    The Orientation of Life/人生的定位 ………………………………………… 4

    The Philosophy of a Mirror/一面鏡子的人生哲理 …………………………… 5

    The Art of How to Hold Life/把握人生的藝術 ……………………………… 6

    The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me/奶奶教給我的人生準則 …………… 7

    The Best Time of My Life/我一生中*好的時光 …………………………… 9

    The Inquiry of Life/人生的疑問 …………………………………………… 10

    First Change Yourself/改變從自己做起 …………………………………… 14

    The Ebb and Flow of Life/人生的漲落 …………………………………… 15

    The Journey of Life Starts from the Set Goal/人生之旅從選定目標開始 … 17

    Position Your Life/定位你的人生 ………………………………………… 19

    Life Is a Symphony/人生是一曲交響樂 …………………………………… 20

    Sense Life/感悟人生 ……………………………………………………… 22

    The Splashes of Life/人生的波紋 ………………………………………… 24

    Do not Meddle/莫管閑事 ………………………………………………… 25

    The Fish I Didn’t Catch/那條我沒釣到的魚 ……………………………… 31

    Behind Time/為時晚矣 …………………………………………………… 33

    Control Your Temper/請君制怒 …………………………………………… 36

    The Artist Surprised/一鳴驚人的藝術家 ………………………………… 37

    第二卷 人生的價值

    You Have Only One Life/你隻有一次生命 ……………………………… 48

    A Promise of Flowers/鮮花的承諾 ………………………………………… 49

    Life Is the Cookie/生命就是小甜餅 ……………………………………… 52

    The Worth of Life/生命的價值 …………………………………………… 53

    Life Is like a Piece of Cake/生活就像一塊蛋糕 …………………………… 55

    The Only Attitude Is Gratitude/感激是**的態度 ……………………… 55**卷 悟人生的真諦

    Life Is an Opportunity/人生是一次機遇 ……………………………………… 2

    The Three Boxes of Life/人生的三隻箱子 …………………………………… 2

    The Orientation of Life/人生的定位 ………………………………………… 4

    The Philosophy of a Mirror/一面鏡子的人生哲理 …………………………… 5

    The Art of How to Hold Life/把握人生的藝術 ……………………………… 6

    The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me/奶奶教給我的人生準則 …………… 7

    The Best Time of My Life/我一生中*好的時光 …………………………… 9

    The Inquiry of Life/人生的疑問 …………………………………………… 10

    First Change Yourself/改變從自己做起 …………………………………… 14

    The Ebb and Flow of Life/人生的漲落 …………………………………… 15

    The Journey of Life Starts from the Set Goal/人生之旅從選定目標開始 … 17

    Position Your Life/定位你的人生 ………………………………………… 19

    Life Is a Symphony/人生是一曲交響樂 …………………………………… 20

    Sense Life/感悟人生 ……………………………………………………… 22

    The Splashes of Life/人生的波紋 ………………………………………… 24

    Do not Meddle/莫管閑事 ………………………………………………… 25

    The Fish I Didn’t Catch/那條我沒釣到的魚 ……………………………… 31

    Behind Time/為時晚矣 …………………………………………………… 33

    Control Your Temper/請君制怒 …………………………………………… 36

    The Artist Surprised/一鳴驚人的藝術家 ………………………………… 37

    第二卷 人生的價值

    You Have Only One Life/你隻有一次生命 ……………………………… 48

    A Promise of Flowers/鮮花的承諾 ………………………………………… 49

    Life Is the Cookie/生命就是小甜餅 ……………………………………… 52

    The Worth of Life/生命的價值 …………………………………………… 53

    Life Is like a Piece of Cake/生活就像一塊蛋糕 …………………………… 55

    The Only Attitude Is Gratitude/感激是**的態度 ……………………… 55

    The Meaning of Life/人生的意義 ………………………………………… 57

    Human Beings Have Choices/人生可以選擇 ……………………………… 58

    The Boys and the Sticks/男孩與木棍 ……………………………………… 59

    The Mahogany Piano/一架桃花心木鋼琴 ………………………………… 60

    The Boy and the Nail/男孩和釘子 ………………………………………… 64

    The Next Step to Life/人生的第二步 ……………………………………… 64

    Schemes of Life often Illusory/人生的規劃 ……………………………… 68

    第三卷 大自然的愛

    Feathers in the Wind/風中的羽毛 ………………………………………… 74

    When the Wind Blows/當起風時 ………………………………………… 76

    Talking with a Flower/與花兒私語 ………………………………………… 78

    A Maple/一棵楓樹 ………………………………………………………… 80

    The Catch of Lifetime/一生的收獲 ………………………………………… 82

    The Roses and Thorns/玫瑰與荊棘 ………………………………………… 83

    When the Moon Follows Me/月隨人走 …………………………………… 84

    A Big Tree and a Young Tree/大樹和小樹 ………………………………… 87

    A Young Apple Tree/一棵小蘋果樹 ……………………………………… 87

    The Power of a Bee/一隻蜜蜂的威力 ……………………………………… 88

    The Boy and the Walnuts/男孩與核桃 …………………………………… 91

    First Snow/**場雪 ……………………………………………………… 91

    The Revelation of Lilacs/紫丁香的啟示 …………………………………… 94

    Mahogany/桃花心木 ……………………………………………………… 96

    A Picture of Human Life/人生風景畫 ……………………………………… 97

    第四卷 人生的恩惠

    A Lesson for Living/人生的教訓 ………………………………………… 104

    The Sculpture of Life/人生的雕塑 ………………………………………… 105

    Don’t Quit/不要停 ………………………………………………………… 106

    Enjoy What You Have/享受自己所有 ……………………………………… 107

    A Wonderful Present/神奇的禮物 ……………………………

    The Meaning of Life/人生的意義 ………………………………………… 57

    Human Beings Have Choices/人生可以選擇 ……………………………… 58

    The Boys and the Sticks/男孩與木棍 ……………………………………… 59

    The Mahogany Piano/一架桃花心木鋼琴 ………………………………… 60

    The Boy and the Nail/男孩和釘子 ………………………………………… 64

    The Next Step to Life/人生的第二步 ……………………………………… 64

    Schemes of Life often Illusory/人生的規劃 ……………………………… 68

    第三卷 大自然的愛

    Feathers in the Wind/風中的羽毛 ………………………………………… 74

    When the Wind Blows/當起風時 ………………………………………… 76

    Talking with a Flower/與花兒私語 ………………………………………… 78

    A Maple/一棵楓樹 ………………………………………………………… 80

    The Catch of Lifetime/一生的收獲 ………………………………………… 82

    The Roses and Thorns/玫瑰與荊棘 ………………………………………… 83

    When the Moon Follows Me/月隨人走 …………………………………… 84

    A Big Tree and a Young Tree/大樹和小樹 ………………………………… 87

    A Young Apple Tree/一棵小蘋果樹 ……………………………………… 87

    The Power of a Bee/一隻蜜蜂的威力 ……………………………………… 88

    The Boy and the Walnuts/男孩與核桃 …………………………………… 91

    First Snow/**場雪 ……………………………………………………… 91

    The Revelation of Lilacs/紫丁香的啟示 …………………………………… 94

    Mahogany/桃花心木 ……………………………………………………… 96

    A Picture of Human Life/人生風景畫 ……………………………………… 97

    第四卷 人生的恩惠

    A Lesson for Living/人生的教訓 ………………………………………… 104

    The Sculpture of Life/人生的雕塑 ………………………………………… 105

    Don’t Quit/不要停 ………………………………………………………… 106

    Enjoy What You Have/享受自己所有 ……………………………………… 107

    A Wonderful Present/神奇的禮物 ……………………………

    The Meaning of Life/人生的意義 ………………………………………… 57

    Human Beings Have Choices/人生可以選擇 ……………………………… 58

    The Boys and the Sticks/男孩與木棍 ……………………………………… 59

    The Mahogany Piano/一架桃花心木鋼琴 ………………………………… 60

    The Boy and the Nail/男孩和釘子 ………………………………………… 64

    The Next Step to Life/人生的第二步 ……………………………………… 64

    Schemes of Life often Illusory/人生的規劃 ……………………………… 68

    第三卷 大自然的愛

    Feathers in the Wind/風中的羽毛 ………………………………………… 74

    When the Wind Blows/當起風時 ………………………………………… 76

    Talking with a Flower/與花兒私語 ………………………………………… 78

    A Maple/一棵楓樹 ………………………………………………………… 80

    The Catch of Lifetime/一生的收獲 ………………………………………… 82

    The Roses and Thorns/玫瑰與荊棘 ………………………………………… 83

    When the Moon Follows Me/月隨人走 …………………………………… 84

    A Big Tree and a Young Tree/大樹和小樹 ………………………………… 87

    A Young Apple Tree/一棵小蘋果樹 ……………………………………… 87

    The Power of a Bee/一隻蜜蜂的威力 ……………………………………… 88

    The Boy and the Walnuts/男孩與核桃 …………………………………… 91

    First Snow/**場雪 ……………………………………………………… 91

    The Revelation of Lilacs/紫丁香的啟示 …………………………………… 94

    Mahogany/桃花心木 ……………………………………………………… 96

    A Picture of Human Life/人生風景畫 ……………………………………… 97

    第四卷 人生的恩惠

    A Lesson for Living/人生的教訓 ………………………………………… 104

    The Sculpture of Life/人生的雕塑 ………………………………………… 105

    Don’t Quit/不要停 ………………………………………………………… 106

    Enjoy What You Have/享受自己所有 ……………………………………… 107

    A Wonderful Present/神奇的禮物 ………………………………………… 108

    The Grace of Life/人生的恩惠 …………………………………………… 112

    The Tiger’s Whisker of Life/人生的虎須 ………………………………… 113

    One-dollar Tip/一美元小費 ………………………………………………… 117

    Are You a Carrot, an Egg or Coffee Beans/你是胡蘿卜、雞蛋還是咖啡豆 119

    What Is the Best in Life/人生*美好的是什麼 …………………………… 120

    Mary’s Smile/瑪麗的微笑 ………………………………………………… 123

    It Is As You Will/你來決定 ………………………………………………… 124

    Love of a Lifetime/一生的愛 ……………………………………………… 125

    What Will Matter in Life/人生重要的是什麼 ……………………………… 126

    The Teacher and Sick Scholar/老師和生病的學生 ………………………… 127

    第五卷 母親的愛

    Mother’s Hands/母親的手 ………………………………………………… 136

    A Rose for Her Mother/送給母親的玫瑰 ………………………………… 137

    A Daughter’s Love for Her Mother /母女情懷 …………………………… 139

    Mom Charged Zero Dollar/媽媽隻收零美元 ……………………………… 141

    Prayer for My Mother/為母親祈禱 ………………………………………… 143

    You Thanked Mother/報答母親 …………………………………………… 143

    Mother’s Strength/母親的力量 …………………………………………… 147

    For the Love of Mother/獻給母親的愛 …………………………………… 148

    Mother Love in the Dress/連衣裙裡的母愛 ……………………………… 150

    Mum Who Wrote Family Letters/愛寫家書的媽媽 ……………………… 152

    A Mother’s Letter to the World/一位母親寫給世界的信 ………………… 156

    Mother’s Final Gift/母親*後的禮物 ……………………………………… 157

    Singing with Mom/與媽媽同唱 …………………………………………… 161

    A Boy with a Mission/男孩的使命 ………………………………………… 163

    The Voice of Love/愛的聲音 ……………………………………………… 168

    Love Is a Thread/愛是一根線 ……………………………………… 108

    The Grace of Life/人生的恩惠 …………………………………………… 112

    The Tiger’s Whisker of Life/人生的虎須 ………………………………… 113

    One-dollar Tip/一美元小費 ………………………………………………… 117

    Are You a Carrot, an Egg or Coffee Beans/你是胡蘿卜、雞蛋還是咖啡豆 119

    What Is the Best in Life/人生*美好的是什麼 …………………………… 120

    Mary’s Smile/瑪麗的微笑 ………………………………………………… 123

    It Is As You Will/你來決定 ………………………………………………… 124

    Love of a Lifetime/一生的愛 ……………………………………………… 125

    What Will Matter in Life/人生重要的是什麼 ……………………………… 126

    The Teacher and Sick Scholar/老師和生病的學生 ………………………… 127

    第五卷 母親的愛

    Mother’s Hands/母親的手 ………………………………………………… 136

    A Rose for Her Mother/送給母親的玫瑰 ………………………………… 137

    A Daughter’s Love for Her Mother /母女情懷 …………………………… 139

    Mom Charged Zero Dollar/媽媽隻收零美元 ……………………………… 141

    Prayer for My Mother/為母親祈禱 ………………………………………… 143

    You Thanked Mother/報答母親 …………………………………………… 143

    Mother’s Strength/母親的力量 …………………………………………… 147

    For the Love of Mother/獻給母親的愛 …………………………………… 148

    Mother Love in the Dress/連衣裙裡的母愛 ……………………………… 150

    Mum Who Wrote Family Letters/愛寫家書的媽媽 ……………………… 152

    A Mother’s Letter to the World/一位母親寫給世界的信 ………………… 156

    Mother’s Final Gift/母親*後的禮物 ……………………………………… 157

    Singing with Mom/與媽媽同唱 …………………………………………… 161

    A Boy with a Mission/男孩的使命 ………………………………………… 163

    The Voice of Love/愛的聲音 ……………………………………………… 168

    Love Is a Thread/愛是一根線 ……………………………………… 108

    The Grace of Life/人生的恩惠 …………………………………………… 112

    The Tiger’s Whisker of Life/人生的虎須 ………………………………… 113

    One-dollar Tip/一美元小費 ………………………………………………… 117

    Are You a Carrot, an Egg or Coffee Beans/你是胡蘿卜、雞蛋還是咖啡豆 119

    What Is the Best in Life/人生*美好的是什麼 …………………………… 120

    Mary’s Smile/瑪麗的微笑 ………………………………………………… 123

    It Is As You Will/你來決定 ………………………………………………… 124

    Love of a Lifetime/一生的愛 ……………………………………………… 125

    What Will Matter in Life/人生重要的是什麼 ……………………………… 126

    The Teacher and Sick Scholar/老師和生病的學生 ………………………… 127

    第五卷 母親的愛

    Mother’s Hands/母親的手 ………………………………………………… 136

    A Rose for Her Mother/送給母親的玫瑰 ………………………………… 137

    A Daughter’s Love for Her Mother /母女情懷 …………………………… 139

    Mom Charged Zero Dollar/媽媽隻收零美元 ……………………………… 141

    Prayer for My Mother/為母親祈禱 ………………………………………… 143

    You Thanked Mother/報答母親 …………………………………………… 143

    Mother’s Strength/母親的力量 …………………………………………… 147

    For the Love of Mother/獻給母親的愛 …………………………………… 148

    Mother Love in the Dress/連衣裙裡的母愛 ……………………………… 150

    Mum Who Wrote Family Letters/愛寫家書的媽媽 ……………………… 152

    A Mother’s Letter to the World/一位母親寫給世界的信 ………………… 156

    Mother’s Final Gift/母親*後的禮物 ……………………………………… 157

    Singing with Mom/與媽媽同唱 …………………………………………… 161

    A Boy with a Mission/男孩的使命 ………………………………………… 163

    The Voice of Love/愛的聲音 ……………………………………………… 168

    Love Is a Thread/愛是一根線 ……………………………………………… 170

    Squeeze My Hand/握住我的手 …………………………………………… 172

    My Mother’s Grave/母親的墳墓 …………………………………………… 174

    第六卷 永遠的父愛

    Love in Bloom/愛在盛開 ………………………………………………… 180

    A Dance with Dad/與爸爸共舞 …………………………………………… 182

    A Violin/一把小提琴 ……………………………………………………… 185

    A Box of Kisses/一盒子吻 ………………………………………………… 191

    Lesson From a Penguin/愛心企鵝 ………………………………………… 192

    Dad’s Kiss/爸爸的吻 ……………………………………………………… 194

    My Father’s Crocus/父親的藏紅花 ………………………………………… 196

    The Confession from a Father/一位父親的懺悔 …………………………… 199

    Penance after 50 Years/50年後的懺悔 …………………………………… 202

    Love Is a Two-Way Street/愛是一條雙行道 ……………………………… 207

    I Hear the Love/我聽到了愛 ……………………………………………… 208

    Homework of Love/愛的作業 ……………………………………………… 209

    Daddy’s Advice/爸爸的忠告 ……………………………………………… 210

    My Father’s Music/父親的音樂 …………………………………………… 212

    The Unlighted Candle/點不亮的蠟燭 ……………………………………… 216

    第七卷 相信愛就會有奇跡

    第八卷 隻要心中有愛

    ......…………………… 170

    Squeeze My Hand/握住我的手 …………………………………………… 172

    My Mother’s Grave/母親的墳墓 …………………………………………… 174

    第六卷 永遠的父愛

    Love in Bloom/愛在盛開 ………………………………………………… 180

    A Dance with Dad/與爸爸共舞 …………………………………………… 182

    A Violin/一把小提琴 ……………………………………………………… 185

    A Box of Kisses/一盒子吻 ………………………………………………… 191

    Lesson From a Penguin/愛心企鵝 ………………………………………… 192

    Dad’s Kiss/爸爸的吻 ……………………………………………………… 194

    My Father’s Crocus/父親的藏紅花 ………………………………………… 196

    The Confession from a Father/一位父親的懺悔 …………………………… 199

    Penance after 50 Years/50年後的懺悔 …………………………………… 202

    Love Is a Two-Way Street/愛是一條雙行道 ……………………………… 207

    I Hear the Love/我聽到了愛 ……………………………………………… 208

    Homework of Love/愛的作業 ……………………………………………… 209

    Daddy’s Advice/爸爸的忠告 ……………………………………………… 210

    My Father’s Music/父親的音樂 …………………………………………… 212

    The Unlighted Candle/點不亮的蠟燭 ……………………………………… 216

    第七卷 相信愛就會有奇跡

    第八卷 隻要心中有愛

    ......…………………… 170

    Squeeze My Hand/握住我的手 …………………………………………… 172

    My Mother’s Grave/母親的墳墓 …………………………………………… 174

    第六卷 永遠的父愛

    Love in Bloom/愛在盛開 ………………………………………………… 180

    A Dance with Dad/與爸爸共舞 …………………………………………… 182

    A Violin/一把小提琴 ……………………………………………………… 185

    A Box of Kisses/一盒子吻 ………………………………………………… 191

    Lesson From a Penguin/愛心企鵝 ………………………………………… 192

    Dad’s Kiss/爸爸的吻 ……………………………………………………… 194

    My Father’s Crocus/父親的藏紅花 ………………………………………… 196

    The Confession from a Father/一位父親的懺悔 …………………………… 199

    Penance after 50 Years/50年後的懺悔 …………………………………… 202

    Love Is a Two-Way Street/愛是一條雙行道 ……………………………… 207

    I Hear the Love/我聽到了愛 ……………………………………………… 208

    Homework of Love/愛的作業 ……………………………………………… 209

    Daddy’s Advice/爸爸的忠告 ……………………………………………… 210

    My Father’s Music/父親的音樂 …………………………………………… 212

    The Unlighted Candle/點不亮的蠟燭 ……………………………………… 216

    第七卷 相信愛就會有奇跡

    第八卷 隻要心中有愛

  • Life Is an Opportunity Life is an opportunity. A chance to influence someone else’s life by your daily example. I have experienced loss, gain, hope and sorrow. My experiences have made me into the person I am today. Yes, I could wallow in the despair that comes with the loss of a loved one or the failure of a venture, but why choose sorrow when you can choose joy? When my dear friend and mentor Debbie passed away, my family and I took it very hard. She was a wonderful person, an inspiration to everyone she met. I was devastated when I found out that she had cancer. I prayed, cried, and was very angry for a long time. She should not deserve this! When I went to visit her she looked pale. I did everything I could to hold back my tears. There before me was a beautiful and handsome woman who did so much for so many, as a teacher and a friend. She was obviously in a great deal of pain, but she smiled. I’ll never forget it. In her weakness she reached out to me. She chose to have a good outlook on her life. She chose to be strong. She chose to live, and so do I. 人生是一次機遇 人生是一次機遇。是一次用你的日常典範去影響他人生活的機會。
    我曾經歷過失敗、收獲、希望和悲傷。我這些經歷使我成了**這樣的人。是的,我可以沉迷在痛失我愛的*望中或沉迷在冒險的失敗中,但在你可以選擇快樂時,為什麼要去選擇悲傷? 我的良師益友黛比去世時,我和家人都很難接受。黛比是一個了不起的人,她鼓舞著每一個遇到的人。發現她患癌癥時,我不知所措。我祈禱過,哭泣過,而且憤怒了很長時間。她不該得到這種結局Life Is an Opportunity Life is an opportunity. A chance to influence someone else’s life by your daily example. I have experienced loss, gain, hope and sorrow. My experiences have made me into the person I am today. Yes, I could wallow in the despair that comes with the loss of a loved one or the failure of a venture, but why choose sorrow when you can choose joy? When my dear friend and mentor Debbie passed away, my family and I took it very hard. She was a wonderful person, an inspiration to everyone she met. I was devastated when I found out that she had cancer. I prayed, cried, and was very angry for a long time. She should not deserve this! When I went to visit her she looked pale. I did everything I could to hold back my tears. There before me was a beautiful and handsome woman who did so much for so many, as a teacher and a friend. She was obviously in a great deal of pain, but she smiled. I’ll never forget it. In her weakness she reached out to me. She chose to have a good outlook on her life. She chose to be strong. She chose to live, and so do I. 人生是一次機遇 人生是一次機遇。是一次用你的日常典範去影響他人生活的機會。
    我曾經歷過失敗、收獲、希望和悲傷。我這些經歷使我成了**這樣的人。是的,我可以沉迷在痛失我愛的*望中或沉迷在冒險的失敗中,但在你可以選擇快樂時,為什麼要去選擇悲傷? 我的良師益友黛比去世時,我和家人都很難接受。黛比是一個了不起的人,她鼓舞著每一個遇到的人。發現她患癌癥時,我不知所措。我祈禱過,哭泣過,而且憤怒了很長時間。她不該得到這種結局Life Is an Opportunity Life is an opportunity. A chance to influence someone else’s life by your daily example. I have experienced loss, gain, hope and sorrow. My experiences have made me into the person I am today. Yes, I could wallow in the despair that comes with the loss of a loved one or the failure of a venture, but why choose sorrow when you can choose joy? When my dear friend and mentor Debbie passed away, my family and I took it very hard. She was a wonderful person, an inspiration to everyone she met. I was devastated when I found out that she had cancer. I prayed, cried, and was very angry for a long time. She should not deserve this! When I went to visit her she looked pale. I did everything I could to hold back my tears. There before me was a beautiful and handsome woman who did so much for so many, as a teacher and a friend. She was obviously in a great deal of pain, but she smiled. I’ll never forget it. In her weakness she reached out to me. She chose to have a good outlook on her life. She chose to be strong. She chose to live, and so do I. 人生是一次機遇 人生是一次機遇。是一次用你的日常典範去影響他人生活的機會。
    我曾經歷過失敗、收獲、希望和悲傷。我這些經歷使我成了**這樣的人。是的,我可以沉迷在痛失我愛的*望中或沉迷在冒險的失敗中,但在你可以選擇快樂時,為什麼要去選擇悲傷? 我的良師益友黛比去世時,我和家人都很難接受。黛比是一個了不起的人,她鼓舞著每一個遇到的人。發現她患癌癥時,我不知所措。我祈禱過,哭泣過,而且憤怒了很長時間。她不該得到這種結局!我去看望她時,她面無血色,我竭盡全力忍住眼淚。我面前的是一位美麗大方的女人,她既是老師又是朋友,為這麼多人做了這麼多事。顯然她劇痛難忍,但她面帶微笑。這情景我永遠難忘。她虛弱地向我伸出手。她選擇快樂地面對生活。
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