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  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513548427
  • 作者:(英)弗格森
  • 頁數:185
  • 出版日期:2014-07-01
  • 印刷日期:2014-07-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 畫裡畫外都是知識,英語學習愜意輕松!
  • 慣用語應用廣泛。對於不了解的慣用語,就算你 認識其中每個單詞,也常無法理解它的含義。比如, as good as gold,beat someone hollow,kick yourself 都是什麼意思? 由弗格森編著的《輕松學英語慣用語(上)/畫裡 畫外》可以告訴你答案!本書精選常用英語慣用語, 左頁以簡潔的文字說明每條慣用語的含義,並給出例 句體現用法;右頁為幽默風趣的四格漫畫,提供慣用 語常用情景。本書既可閱讀,又可查閱,幫助你輕松 掌握常用慣用語!
  • 1 add insult to injury 雪上加霜
    2 the apple of someone's eye 掌上明珠
    3 as a matter of fact 事實上
    4 as blind as a bat 視力極差
    5 as good as gold 很乖
    6 as light as a feather 很輕
    7 as pretty as a picture 美麗如畫
    8 as white as a sheet 臉色煞白
    9 at a loose end 無事可做
    10 at the top of your voice 扯開嗓門
    11 beat about the bush 轉彎抹角
    12 beat someone hollow 大獲全勝
    13 beggars can't be choosers 乞丐沒法挑肥揀瘦
    14 bend over backwards 竭盡全力
    15 be seeing things 產生幻覺
    16 the best of both worlds 兩全其美
    17 bite off more than you can chew 不自量力
    18 the black sheep of the family 害群之馬
    19 burn the midnight oil 熬夜
    20 catch someone red-handed 當場抓住
    21 come rain or shine 風雨無阻
    22 crocodile tears 假慈悲
    23 daylight robbery 漫天要價
    24 do a roaring trade 產品大賣
    25 do someone a power of good 大有好處
    26 do the trick 奏效
    27 donkey work 苦差
    28 donkey's years 很久
    29 draw the line 拒*
    30 easier said than done 知易行難
    31 every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中總有一線光明
    32 fight a losing battle 打一場無望取勝的仗
    33 follow in someone's footsteps 效仿某人
    34 follow suit 跟著做
    35 forty winks 小睡片刻
    36 frighten someone out of their wits 嚇壞某人
    37 get cold feet 臨陣退縮
    38 go out like a light 很快入睡
    39 go out of your way 想盡辦法
    40 green with envy **嫉妒
    41 have second thoughts 改變主意
    42 have the last laugh 取得*後勝利
    43 hold the fort 代管
    44 in the nick of time 在緊要關頭
    45 it is all Greek to me 一竅不通
    46 keep up with the Joneses 與鄰居攀比
    47 kick yourself 後悔莫及
    48 know somewhere like the back of your hand 了如指掌
    49 last but not least *後但同樣重要的
    50 leave no stone unturned 千方百計
    51 left, right and centre 到處
    52 let the cat out of the bag 洩露秘密
    53 like a bat out of hell 迅速地
    54 like a red rag to a bull 激起人怒火的事物
    55 like looking for a needle in a haystack 大海撈針
    56 listen with half an ear 漫不經心地聽
    57 look on the bright side 凡事要往好的方面想
    58 lost for words 說不出話
    59 make ends meet 收支相抵
    60 make someone's blood boil 使某人怒火中燒
    61 make up your mind 決定
    62 not someone's cup of tea 不是某人喜歡的那一類
    63 not turn a hair 面不改色
    64 on the dot 準時
    65 once in a blue moon 難得一見
    66 one foot in the grave 行將就木
    67 over the moon 欣喜若狂
    68 pigs might fly 太陽從西邊升起
    69 play your cards right 辦事精明
    70 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
    71 pull a face 板下臉
    72 pull someone's leg 開玩笑
    73 put your foot in it 冒犯別人
    74 rack your brains 絞盡腦汁
    75 rolling in money **富有
    76 show someone the ropes 向某人示範如何做某事
    77 spread like wildfire 迅速傳開
    78 tall story 難以置信的事
    79 tear your hair 焦躁不安
    80 third time lucky 兩次失敗後成功
    81 the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
    82 too good to be true 好得令人難以相信
    83 turn over a new leaf 翻開新的一頁
    84 up in arms 極力反對
    85 waste not, want not 勤儉節約,喫穿不缺
    86 a weight off someone's mind 如釋重負
    87 with flying colours 以優異成績
    88 without fail 務必
    89 work wonders 功效顯著
    90 you could hear a pin drop 鴉雀無聲
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