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  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787506291668
  • 作者:(美)庫蘭特
  • 頁數:556
  • 出版日期:2008-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2008-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:24開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 本書繫統地闡述了微積分學的基本理論。在敘述上,作者盡量作到既嚴謹而又通俗易懂,並指出概念之間的內在聯繫和直觀背景。本書是《微積分和數學分析引論》的第2卷第1冊,為單變量情形,它適合於理工科大學師生、數學工作者和工程技術人員。
  • Chapter 1 Functions of Several Variables and Their Derivatives
    1.1 Points and Points Sets in the Plane and in Space
    a. Sequences of points. Convergence
    b. Sets of points in the plane
    c. The boundary of a set.Closed and open sets
    d. Closure as set of limit points
    e. Points and sets of points in space
    1.2 Functions of Several Independent Variables
    a. Functions and their domains
    b. The simplest types of functions
    c. Geometrical representation of functions
    1.3 Continuity
    a. Definition
    b. The concept of limit of a function of several variables
    c. The order to which a function vanishes
    1.4 The Partial Derivatives of a Function
    a. Definition. Geometrical representation
    b. Examples
    c. Continuity and the existence of partial derivatives
    d. Change of the order of differentiation, 36
    1.5 The Differential of a Function and Its Geometrical Meaning
    a. The concept of differentiability
    b. Directional derivatives
    c. Geometric interpretation of differentiability,The tangent plane
    d. The total differential of a function
    e. Application to the calculus of errors
    1.6 Functions of Functions (Compound Functions) and the Introduction of New Independent Variables
    a. Compound functions. The chain rule
    b. Examples
    c. Change of independent variables
    1.7 The Mean Value Theorem and Taylor's Theorem for Functions of Several Variables
    a. Preliminary remarks about approximation by polynomials
    b. The mean value theorem
    c. Taylor's theorem for several independent variables
    1.8 Integrals of a Function Depending on a Parameter
    a. Examples and definitions
    b. Continuity and differentiability of an integral with respect to the parameter
    c. Interchange of integrations. Smoothing of functions
    1.9 Differentials and Line Integrals
    a. Linear differential forms
    b. Line integrals of linear differential forms
    c. Dependence of line integrals on endpoints
    1.10 The Fundamental Theorem on Integrability of Linear Differential Forms
    a. Integration of total differentials
    b. Necessary conditions for line integrals to depend only on the end points
    c. Insufficiency of the integrability conditions
    d. Simply connected sets
    e. The fundamental theorem
    Chapter 2 Vectors, Matrices, Linear Transformations
    Chapter 3 Developments and Applications of the Differential Calculus
    Chapter 4 Multiple Integrals
    Chapter 5 Relations Between Surface and Volume Integrals
    Chapter 6 Differential Equations
    Chapter 7 Calculus of Variations
    Chapter 8 Functions of a Complex Variable
    List of Biographical Dates
    page 543 of this edition
    page 545 of this edition
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