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  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111612407
  • 作者:(美)雷·奧古斯特//唐·邁耶//邁克爾·比克斯比|譯...
  • 頁數:550
  • 出版日期:2019-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2019-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 本書既強調理論學習,又注重實際運用,書中還附有案例和閱讀材料。本書內容包括:國際法和比較法概述、國家責任和環境法、爭議解決、跨國企業、外國投資、貨幣與銀行、貨物貿易、服務貿易與勞工保護、知識產權、國際貨物買賣法、運輸、融資12個部分。與前一版相比,具有以下新特點:增加了《國際貿易術語解釋通則》2010版的內容(第11章),增加了《蒙特利爾公約》的有關內容(第11章),更新了《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》等公約締約國的主要信息,更新了歐盟等國際組織成員數量等信息。
  • 出版說明
    第1章 **法和比較法概述1
    1.1 什麼是**法1
    1.2 **法的制定5
    1.3 **法的淵源5
    1.4 實踐中**法的範圍8
    1.5 **法主體10
    1.6 個人在**法上的權利30
    1.7 主要法繫的比較32
    第2章 **責任和環境法39
    2.1 **責任40
    2.2 注意義務47
    2.3 抗辯55
    2.4 救濟措施62
    2.5 保險62
    2.6 環境保護66
    第3章 爭議解決80
    3.1 通過外交方式解決爭議80
    3.2 通過**法庭解決爭議82
    3.3 通過**法院解決爭議98
    3.4 **司法豁免權101
    3.5 準據法的選擇109
    3.6 拒*管轄116
    3.7 對外國法院管轄的反制116
    3.8 外國法的證明117
    3.9 外國判決的承認118
    第4章 跨國企業120
    4.1 **經營戰略121
    4.2 商事組織123
    4.3 跨國企業組織123
    4.4 跨國企業的**規制130
    4.5 母國對於跨國企業的規制130
    4.6 東道國對於跨國企業的規制159
    第5章 外國投資166
    5.1 外國投資法和法典167
    5.2 對外國投資的監管194
    5.3 證券監管204
    5.4 證券管理的**效力215
    第6章 貨幣與銀行221
    6.1 貨幣222
    6.2 **貨幣基金組織228
    6.3 **貨幣基金組織的運行233
    6.4 外彙交易233
    6.5 外彙援助239
    6.6 開發銀行240
    6.7 **清算銀行243
    6.8 地區貨幣繫統246
    6.9 **貨幣繫統248
    第7章 貨物貿易265
    7.1 現代**貿易法的歷史266
    7.2 世界貿易組織272
    7.3 1994年《關稅與貿易總協定》282
    7.4 多邊貿易協定298
    第8章 服務貿易與勞工保護319
    8.1 《服務貿易總協定》319
    8.2 區域性政府間服務貿易規則331
    8.3 **勞工法335
    8.4 區域性政府間勞工規則346
    8.5 勞動者的遷移352
    第9章 知識產權368
    9.1 知識產權的取得369
    9.2 **知識產權組織399
    9.3 知識產權公約402
    9.4 知識產權的**轉讓 408
    9.5 許可協議的規制409
    9.6 強制許可428
    **0章 **貨物買賣法434
    10.1 《聯合國**貨物銷售合同公約》435
    10.2 公約適用的交易435
    10.3 CISG排除的合同事項440
    10.4 CISG的解釋443
    10.5 買賣合同的解釋445
    10.6 合同的達成450
    10.7 履行的一般標準457
    10.8 賣方的義務458
    10.9 買方的義務461
    10.10 風險轉移464
    10.11 救濟469
    10.12 不履行的抗辯476
    **1章 運輸479
    11.1 貿易術語479
    11.2 運輸486
    11.3 內陸運輸487
    11.4 海洋貨物運輸488
    11.5 租船合同和提單504
    11.6 海上留置權505
    11.7 海運保險506
    11.8 貨物航空運輸507
    **2章 融資510
    12.1 對外貿易融資511
    12.2 提單511
    12.3 彙票511
    12.4 本票514
    12.5 彙票與本票的可轉讓性517
    12.6 彙票與本票的轉讓519
    12.7 信用證531
    12.8 **融資546
    12.9 對銷貿易548

    The Publisher’s Note
    Chapter 1 Introduction to International and Comparative Law 1
    A. What Is International Law ? 1
    B. The Making of International Law 5
    C. Sources of International La w 5
    D. The Scope of International Law in Actual Practice 8
    E. International Persons 10
    F. The Rights of Individuals Under International Law 30
    G. Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems 32
    Chapter 2 State Responsibility and Environmental Regulation 39
    A. State Responsibility 40
    B. Standard of Care 47
    C. Objections 55
    D. Relief 62
    E. Insurance 62
    F. Environmental Protection 66
    Chapter 3 Dispute Settlement 80
    A. Settlement of Disputes Through Diplomacy 80
    B. Settlement of Disputes in International Tribunals 82
    C. Settlement of Disputes in Municipal Courts 98
    D. Immunities of States from the Jurisdiction of Municipal Courts 101
    E. Choosing the Governing Law 109
    F. Refusal To Exercise Jurisdiction 116
    G. Opposition to the Exercise of Jurisdiction 116
    H. Proving Foreign Law 117
    I. Recognition of Foreign Judgments 118
    Chapter 4 The Multinational Enterprise 120
    A. Strategies for Doing Business Globally 121
    B. The Business Form 123
    C. The Multinational Organization 123
    D. International Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 130
    E. Home State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 130
    F. Host State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 159
    Chapter 5 Foreign Investment 166
    A. Foreign Investment Laws and Codes 167
    B. Supervision of Foreign Investme nt 194
    C. Securities Regulations 204
    D. Enforcement of Securities Regulations Internationally 215
    Chapter 6 Money and Banking 221
    A. Money 222
    B. The International M onetary Fund(IMF) 228
    C. IMF Operations 233
    D. Currency Exchange 233
    E. Currency Support 239
    F. Development Banks 240
    G. The Bank for International Settlements 243
    H. Regional Monetary Systems 246
    I. National Monetary Systems 248
    Chapter 7 Trade in Goods 265
    A. History of Contemporary International Trade Law 266
    B. The World Trade Organization 272
    C. The 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 282
    D. Multilateral Trade Agreements 298
    Chapter 8 Services and Labor 319
    A. General Agreement on Trade in Services 319
    B. Regional Intergovernmental Regulations on Trade in Services 331
    C. International Labor Law 335
    D. Regional Intergovernmental Regulations on Labor 346
    E. Movement of Workers 352
    Chapter 9 Intellectual Property 368
    A. The Creation of Intellectual Property Rights 369
    B. International Intellectual Property Organizations 399
    C. Intellectual Property Treaties 402
    D. The International Transfer of Intellectual Property 408
    E. Licensing Regulations 409
    B. The International M onetary Fund(IMF) 228
    F. Compulsory Licenses 428
    Chapter 10 Sales 434
    A. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Saleof Goods 435
    B. Transactions Covered in CISG 435
    C. Contractual Issues Excluded from the Coverage of CISG 440
    D. Interpreting CISG 443
    E. Interpreting Sales Contracts 445
    F. Formation of the Contract 450
    G. General Standards of Performance 457
    H. Seller’s Obligations 458
    I. Buyer’s Obligations 461
    J. The Passing of Risk 464
    K. Remedies 469
    L. Excuses for Nonperformance 476
    Chapter 11 Transportation 479
    A. Trade Terms 479
    B. Transportation 486
    C. Inland Carriage 487
    D. Carriage of Goods by Sea 488
    E. Charterparties 504
    F. Maritime Liens 505
    G. Maritime Insurance 506
    H. Carriage of Goods by Air 507
    Chapter 12 Financing 510
    A. Financing Foreign Trade 511
    B. Bills of Lading 511
    C. Bills of Exchange 511
    D. Promissory Notes 514
    E. Negotiability of Bills and Notes 517
    F. The Negotiation and Transfer of Bills and Notes 519
    G. Letters of Credit 531
    H. Financing Foreign Operations 546
    I. Countertrade 548
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