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  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301251744
  • 作者:(巴基斯坦)法耶茲丁//裡亞茲丁
  • 頁數:657
  • 出版日期:2014-12-01
  • 印刷日期:2014-12-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:683千字
  • 粒子物理依然是人類探索微觀世界的前沿,某種意義上說也是整個現代物理學的基礎。法耶茲丁、裡亞茲丁編著的《現代粒子物理學導論(第3版影印版)》是一本內容**豐富的專著,對於粒子物理的研究者來說是難得的參考書。對於初學者也是很好的教材。全書涵蓋了粒子物理各種方向,包括量子電動力學、誇克模型、標準模型等等。在理論和實驗兩方面都進行了繫統講解。此外,本書還著重討論了天體物理、宇宙學和粒子物理學的交叉研究,即天體粒子物理學。
  • Preface
    1. Introduction
    1.1 Fundamental Forces
    1.1.1 The Gravitational Force
    1.1.2 The Weak Nuclear Force
    1.1.3 The Electromagnetic Force
    1.1.4 The Strong Nuclear Force 4
    1.2 Relative Strength of Four Fundamental Forces
    1.3 Range of the Three Basic Forces
    1.4 Classi_cation of Matter
    1.5 Strong Color Charges
    1.6 Fundamental Role of \Charges" in the Uni_cation of Forces
    1.7 Strong Quark-Quark Force
    1.8 Grand Uni_cation
    1.9 Units and Notation
    1.10 Problems
    1.11 References
    2. Scattering and Particle Interaction
    2.1 Introduction 23
    2.2 Kinematics of a Scattering Process
    2.3 Interaction Picture
    2.4 Scattering Matrix (S-Matrix)
    2.5 Phase Space 36
    2.6 Examples
    2.6.1 Two-body Scattering
    2.6.2 Three-body Decay
    2.7 Electromagnetic Interaction
    2.8 Weak Interaction
    2.9 Hadronic Cross-section
    2.10 Problems
    2.11 References
    3. Space-Time Symmetries
    3.1 Introduction
    3.1.1 Rotation and SO(3) Group
    3.1.2 Translation
    3.1.3 Lorentz Group
    3.2 Invariance Principle
    3.2.1 U Continuous
    3.2.2 U is Discrete (e.g. Space Reection)
    3.3 Parity
    3.4 Intrinsic Parity
    3.4.1 Intrinsic Parity of Pion
    3.5 Parity Constraints on S-Matrix for Hadronic Reactions
    3.5.1 Scattering of Spin 0 Particles on Spin 1/2 Particles
    3.5.2 Decay of a Spin 0+ Particle into Three Spinless Particles Each Having Odd Parity
    3.6 Time Reversal
    3.6.1 Unitarity
    3.6.2 Reciprocity Relation
    3.7 Applications
    3.7.1 Detailed Balance Principle
    3.8 Unitarity Constraints
    3.8.1 Two-Particle Partial Wave Unitarity
    3.9 Problems
    3.10 References
    4. Internal Symmetries
    5. Unitary Groups and SU(3)
    6. SU(6) and Quark Model
    7. Color, Gauge Principle and Quantum Chromodynamics
    8. Heavy Flavors
    9. Heavy Quark E_ective Theory
    10. Weak Interaction
    11. Properties of Weak Hadronic Currents and Chiral Symmetry
    12. Neutrino
    13. Electroweak Unificatio
    14. Deep Inelastic Scattering
    15. Weak Decays of Heavy Flavors
    16. Particle Mixing and CP-Violation
    17. Grand Uni_cation, Supersymmetry and Strings
    18. Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
    Appendix A Quantum Field Theory
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