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作  者:(美)布萊恩·布雅 譯 蔡志忠 繪
定  價:35.8
出 版 社:現代出版社
頁  數:200
裝  幀:平裝
●老子說 智者的低語 The Dao Speaks Whispers of Wisdom
生命的大智慧 The Wisdom of Life
老子其猶龍乎 Is Not Laozi Like the Dragon
第一部分 Part Ⅰ 道(上篇) The Way
道可道,非常道 The Dao That Can't Be Spoken
有無相生 The Theory of Relativity
無為 Favors
道衝 The Dao Is Empty
刍狗 Straw Dogs
天地 Our World Eternal
上善若水 Virtue Resembles Water
持而盈之 The Overflowing Cup
營魄抱一 Body and Soul
無 The Empty Cup
無欲 Boundless Desires
寵辱 Honor's Disgrace
守靜 Maintaining Tranquillity
太上 The Invisible King
仁義 Regression into Benevolence
絕學 Living With the Dao
曲則全 Bend Don’t Break
勝而不美 Victory Is Not Proud
自知 Overcoming Yourself
執“大道” Holding on to the Dao
以柔克剛 The Strength of Weakness
第二部分 Part Ⅱ 道(下篇) The Way
玄牝 The Mysterious Female
無物 The Dao is Indistinct
古之得“道”者 Daoists of Old
絕聖棄智 The Artificial Role Model
道之為物 Reality of the Dao
希言自然 The Wanton Ruler
企者不立 The Exhibitionist
有物渾成 The Beginning
處重守靜 The Serious Ruler
善行無轍跡 Sagely Conseroation
為天下 Confluence of the World
欲取天下 A Natural Government
不矜不伐 War and Force
本諸自然 ANatural Balance
大道·兮 The Dao Nurtures
道常無為 The Natural Ruler
第三部分 Part Ⅲ 德(上篇) The Virtue
上德無為 Superior Virtue Is Not Virtue
有生於無 Getting Something From Nothing
道生萬物 Unioersal Harmony
至柔 Soft Wil Overcome
知足不辱 The Risk of Seeking Fame and Fortune
欲得 There Is No Greater Crime
不行而知 Don't Go Out
無為 In Pursuit of Non-action
聖人 The Ideal Leader
兕虎 ATiger May Be Vicious
玄同 One Who Speaks Does Not Know
無欲自樸 The More Laws There Are
烹小鮮 Frying Fish
樂推 Navigating the State
不爭 The Good General
知知 The Know-it-all
不爭善勝 Contend By Not Contending
草木 Tree vs. Grass
水石 Water vs. Rock
予而不取 It's Better to Gioe Than to Receive
聖人不積 The More You Give, the More You Get
第四部分 Part Ⅳ 德(下篇) The Virtue
得一者 Obtaining the One
士聞道 The Leoel Path
大成若缺 A Model for the World
道生之,德畜之 Profound Virtue
天下有始 The Doors of Perception
大道 The Great Path
善建者不撥 Cultioating Virtue
含德之厚 An Infant's Virtue
奇正無端 There Is No Justice
儉嗇 Frugality
大者宜為下 The Lowly Superpower
道者萬物之奧 Prizing the Dao
多易必多難 Easing Difficulties
慎終如始 Planning and Perseverance
以愚治國 Mysterious Virtue
三寶 The Three Treastures
用兵 Warfare
聖人懷玉 Heart of Jade
民不畏威 Tyranny
代大匠· Standing In for the Carpenter
民之饑 Starvation and Taxes
天道猶張弓 The Drawn Bow
小國寡民 The Ideal Country
第五部分 Part Ⅴ 諸子談黃老經 Ancient Thinkers Discuss the Dao
道可道,非常道。 If the Dao can be explained, it is not the constant Dao.
名可名,非常名。 If a name can be named, it is not a constant name.
太上,不知有之。 As for the greatest kind of ruler, you don’t even know he's there.
人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。 People follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, the Dao follows nature.
上德不德,是以有德;下德不失德,是以無德。 People of superior virtue are not so intentionally and are therefore virtuous. People of inferior virtue are intentionally virtuous and are thus not virtuous.
禍莫大於不知足,咎莫大於欲得。 There is no greater disaster than discontentment. There is no greater crime than greed.
知者不言,言者不知 One who knows does not speak, One who speaks does not know.
天下多忌諱,而民彌貧;朝多利器,國家滋昏;人多伎巧,奇物滋起。 The more prohibitions there flre, the poorer the people will be. The more weapons there are, the more discordant it will be. The more cunning people are, the more wickedness there will be.
善為士者,不武;善戰者,不怒;善勝敵者,不與。 A good general is not excessively violent, A good soldier is not easily angered, A good conqueror does not resort to confrontation.
附錄·延伸閱讀 APPENDIX Further reading

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