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  • 出版社:譯林
  • ISBN:9787544728430
  • 作者:(法國)大仲馬|改編: (澳大利亞)科斯特
  • 頁數:124
  • 出版日期:2012-06-01
  • 印刷日期:2012-06-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 《三個火*手(附光盤適合高2高3年級)/津津有味讀經典》編著者Alexandre Dumas,Pere。
  • 《三個火槍手(附光盤適合高2高3年級)/津津有味讀經典》編著者 Alexandre Dumas,Pere。 《三個火槍手(附光盤適合高2高3年級)/津津有味讀經典》內容提要: 該書以法國國王路易十三和手握重兵、權傾朝野的首相黎塞留紅衣主教的 矛盾為背景,穿插群臣派繫的明爭暗鬥,圍繞宮廷裡的秘史軼聞,展開了 饒有趣味的故事。主人公達達尼昂出身世家,他善良、淳樸、機智、勇敢 ,經引見加入了國王路易十三的火槍隊,並與另外三個火槍手結成了莫逆 之交。其時,國王路易十三、王後安娜·奧地利,以及首相黎塞留三分國 權,彼此有隙。黎塞留有意於安娜王後,但一直得不到垂青。安娜與英國 年輕英俊的白金漢公爵有私情,並將國王送給她的鑽石墜飾贈送給了白金 漢公爵。黎塞留知道此事後,便慫恿國王舉行舞會,並要國王提出讓王後 戴上墜飾出席。王後眼見舞會日期逼近,惶然無計。危急之中,達達尼昂 與三個火槍手出手相助。
  • CHAPTER D'Artagnan Begins His Adventures
    CHAPTER M0nsieur de Tr6ville
    CHAPTER How to Make Friends with Musketee?s
    CHAPTER The Landlord's Wife
    CHAPTER The Duke of Buckingham
    CHAPTER The Queen and the Cardinal
    CHAPTER The Keeper of the Seals
    CHAPTER WhO Will Go to London?
    CHAPTER A Message for the Duke
    CHAPIER The Councillors'Ball
    CHAPTER Kidnapped!
    CHAPTER The Musketeers Reunite
    CHAPTER Porthos and D'Artagnan Go to Church
    CHAPTER A Fight,a Feast,and a Friendly'Maid
    CHAPTER Milady's Secret
    CHAPTER Two Appointments for D'Artagnan
    CHAPTER Milady's First Attempts at Revenge
    CHAPTER Milady and the Cardinal
    CHAPTER Breakfast in the Bastion
    CHAPTER Milady Goes to London
    CHAPTER Milady and Mr Felton
    CHAPTER Assassinationf
    CHAPTER Madame Bonacieux
    CHAPTER Punishment and Reward
    New Words
  • The next day,D'Artagnan rose late and went to Monsieurde Tr&ille's house.intending to meet the Captain of themusketeers.Monsieur de Tr&ille himself had come to Paris asa young man,much like D'Artagnan,and had worked hard andfaithfully to achieve the rank of Captain of the Musketeers.D'Artagnan's father considered him to be the third most importantman in France,after the King and the Cardinal.King Louis XIllwas still a young man.and he and the older Cardinal Richelieuruled France togethe~although each had their own army ofmusketeers.Although the King and the Cardinal played chesstogether most evenings,their bodyguards often fought each othenSometimes the fights were brawls and sometimes they were duels,although these had been outlawed.Dueling,howeveR,was stilla popular way of solving differences,and D'Artagnan was eagerto fight as many duels as he could,in accordance with hisfather's advice. When D'Artagnan arrived at Monsieur de Tr4ville'S house,the hall was crowded with musketeers and other people waitingfor an audience with the Captain.D'Artagnan had never seenanything like this before and was very impressed.However,hewas not afraid and moved into the middle of the crowd.Therewas a group of four musketeers sword—fighting on the stairs,andD'Artagnan gasped when he realized that they were using realswords and actually scratching each other with them.On thelanding of the stairs,he heard some musketeers telling lovestories that made him blush and others telling stories about theCardinal'S private lire which made him afraid.since his fatherhad taught him to respect the Cardinal.He did not dare to joinin these conversations. He introduced himself to a servant and requested an audiencewith Monsieur de Tr∈vIlle.Whik he waited.he noticed one ofthe musketeers wearing a beautiful shoulder-belt.Only the frontwas visible,howeve~because he also wore a red cape.Everybodywas admiring his shoulder-belt.He tried tO ignore them,but theyall laughed at him. "You got it from that woman I saw you with last night, Porthos,"said one. "I bought it myself,"replied Porthos."I have to spend mymoney on something,after a11.It COSt twelve pistoles.Isn't thattrue, Aramis?" Aramis was much younger and smaller than Porthos and saidvery little.Howeve all he had to do was nod,and everybodybelieved him.Then Aramis told a story about the CardinalSprivate spy,Rochefort,pretending to be a monk in Brussels.Hewent on to speak about the Queen,and Porthos thought heinsulted her.The two men were about to fight,when the doorsuddenly opened and a servant called out,"Monsieur de Trevilleawaits Monsieur D'Artagnan!" D'Artagnan entered the room to find Monsieur de TrrevIllelooking very angry.He greeted D'Artagnan,pleased tO be remindedof his own Gascon youth.However,it was clear that he wasstill thinking about whatever had made him angry.He suddenlywent to the door and called out."Athos!Porthos! Aramis!"D'Artagnan,of course,already knew two of these men, whonow came quickly into the room.Monsieur de 1Kville was furious. "The King is angry because the Cardinal told him that someof his guards had to arrest some of you musketeers for disturbingthe peace!Both of you were there and SO was Athos.Where iSAthos?" "Athos iS i11."replied Porthos. "I don't believe that!He iS probably wounded or even dead.Nobody tells me anything!You must stop this stupid behaviorand be more like the Cardinal'S guards.They would not allowthemselves tO be arrested!Six guards arrested six musketeers!HOW iS that possible?" Porthos explained."They caught US by surprise and killedtwo of US before we had time to draw our swords.Athos wasbadly wounded and could not fight,and we had to surrender.I'm sorr~Sir,but we can't win every battle!""I stabbed a couple of them with their own swords after Ibroke mine,"added Aramis. Monsieur de Tr6ville seemed a little more pleased with thisnews."The Cardinal must have been exaggerating,"he said.There was a knock at the door,and Athos came in.He wasvery pale but pretended that he was not wounded.Monsieurde Tr&ille complimented him on his courage,but then thewounded musketeer fainted.Monsieur de Tr6ville called adoctor,who said the problem was merely lOSS of blood. Monsieur de Treville then turned his attention to D'Artagnanand inquked about his father and his village.He promised thathe would help him become a musketeer but that he had to servetwo years in another regiment first,unless he could prove himselfin some other way.P5-P7
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