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該商品所屬分類:中小學教輔 -> 小學五年級
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  • 出版社:華東師大
  • ISBN:9787567578555
  • 作者:編者:侯琨
  • 頁數:140
  • 出版日期:2019-03-01
  • 印刷日期:2019-03-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:2
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:150千字
  • 聽力測試題/聽力原文與參考答案
    Unit 1 My birthday party
    Let's enjoy! Come to my birthday party.
    Unit 2 Modes of transportation
    Let's enjoy! How do you go to school?
    Unit 3 My future
    Let's enjoy! A little boy
    Unit4Traditional festivals
    Let's enjoy! Cheer the year
    Unit 5 A camping trip
    Let's enjoy! Go camping
    Unit 6 Busy summer
    Let's enjoy! Busy days
    Unit 7 Sports meeting
    Let's enjoy! In my spare time
    Unit 8 Moving home
    Let's enjoy! My house
    Unit 9 Animals migration
    Let's enjoy! They like animals.
    Unit 10 The capital of China
    Let's enjoy! Where do you want to visit?
    Unit 11 Medical advice
    Let's enjoy! An apple a day
    Unit 12 Making food
    Let's enjoy! I will be helpful.
    Unit 13 Fire satety
    Let's enjoy! Fire
    Unit 14 Saving water
    Let's enjoy! Water
    Unit 15 Natural disasters
    Let's njoy! There is only one earth.
    Unit 16 The life cycle
    Let's enjoy! The circle of life
    Unit 17 Kinds of music
    Let's enjoy! Listen to the music
    Unit 18 Healthy habits
    Let's enjoy! How to be healthy?
    Unit 19 Ben's timetable
    Let's enjoy! When Mummy came in
    Unit 20 Different signs
    Let's enjoy! School rules
    Unit 21 The weather report
    Let's enjoy! What's the weather like?
    Unit 22 Modern Shanghai
    Let's enjoy! Stop! Look! Listen!
    Unit 23 Around the world
    Let's enjos! Traveling light
    Unit 24 Amazing museums
    Let's enjoy! What'll I need?
    Unit 25 Western Holidays
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