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  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030498298
  • 作者:Qijin Geng//Lintong Wang//S...
  • 頁數:304
  • 出版日期:2016-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2016-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • Qijin Geng、Lintong Wang、Shanfang Tang
    、Jinmei Yang、Chunling Xin所著的《TiO2基光催
  • Foreword
    1 Progress of Photocatalysis Science and Technology
    1.1 A brief overview ofphotocatalysis
    1.2 Photocatalytic reactor design and application in air and waste water treatments
    1.2.1 Photon transfer limitations and overcoming measurements
    1.2.2 Mass transfer limitations and overcoming measurements
    1.2.3 Other engineering problems in reactor design
    1.3 Future prospects
    2 Fundamentals of Photocatalysis
    2.1 Photocatalysis mechanism
    2.1.1 Reductive mechanism
    2.1.2 Oxidative mechanism
    2.1.3 Combined redox mechanism
    2.2 Photoelectrochemical basis ofphotocatalysis
    2.3 Time scales for primary processes
    2.4 Trapping of electrons and holes
    2.5 Factors affecting electron transfer efficiency
    2.6 Oxidizing species at the TiO2 surface
    2.6.1 Role of molecular oxygen
    2.6.2 Effect of crystal face
    2.7 Relation between interfacial electron transfer rate constants and driving force
    2.8 Summary
    3 Heterogeneous Photoeatalytie Degradation of Waste Water Containing Phenolic Compounds
    3.1 Fundamentals of photocatalysis of phenols
    3.1.1 Basic mechanism
    3.1.2 Performance of phenol, chlorophenol and nitrophenol in photocatalysis
    3.1.3 Phenol and its intermediates formed and detected
    3.1.4 Pathways of phenol photodegradation
    3.1.5 Kinetic model for phenol photodegradation
    3.2 Reyiew ofphotocatalytic oxidation of phenolic compounds
    3.3 Influencing factors on photocatalytic oxidation of phenolic compounds
    3.3.1 Substituted group of phenolic compounds
    3.3.2 Structure property and composition ofphotocatalyst
    3.3.3 Light intensity and wavelength
    3.3.4 Initial concentration of phenolic compounds
    3.3.5 Photocatalyst loading
    3.3.6 Medium pH value
    3.3.7 Co-existing substances
    3.3.8 Oxidants/electron acceptor added
    3.3.9 Calcination temperature ofphotocatalyst
    3.3.10 Dopant on photocatalyst
    3.4 Conclusion and outlooks
    4 Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of Waste Water Containing Dyes Introduction
    4.1 Introduction of dyes
    4.2 Experimental techniques applied in photocatalytic degradation of dye
    4.3 Mechanisms and pathways ofphotocatalysis
    4.3.1 Basic mechanism
    4.3.2 Possible pathways
    4.3.3 Interaction mechanism between dye molecule and inorganic ion
    4.3.4 Basic models of photocatalyses and pathways
    4.4 Operational factors influencing on the photocatalytic degradation of dyes
    4.4.1 Dye concentration
    4.4.2 Catalyst amount
    4.4.3 pH value
    4.4.4 Oxidizing agent
    4.4.5 Light intensity and irradiation time
    4.4.6 Dissolved oxygen
    4.4.7 Doped photocatalyst
    4.4.8 Dopant content
    4.4.9 Calcination temperature ofphotocatalyst
    4.4.10 Dye structure
    4.4.11 Molecular size of the dyes
    4.4.12 Inorganic ions added
    4.5 Conclusions and prospect
    5 Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Removal of Inorganic Ions From Waste Water Introduction
    5.1 Fundamentals of As photocatalytic removal
    5.1.1 States of inorganic and organic arsenic
    5.1.2 Basic mechanisms of arsenic removal
    5.2 Review of photooxidation of As(HI) and organic arsenic
    5.2.1 Initial works and recent research advances
    5.2.2 Modified photocatalyst to enhance arsenic removal
    5.3 Influencing factors for photocatalytic oxidation of As
    5.3.1 Co-existing solutes
    5.3.2 pH value
    5.3.3 Photocatalyst size
    5.4 Conclusions and future challenges
    5.5 Review of photocatalytic removal of Cr
    5.5.1 Supported TiO2
    5.5.2 Doped TiO2
    5.6 Basic mechanism for photocatalytic removal of Cr(Ⅵ)
    5.6.1 Mechanism of Fe(Ⅱ)/TiO2 spherical shells
    5.6.2 Synergistic mechanism ofphotocatalysis and adsorption on simultaneous removal of Cr(Ⅵ) and Cr(Ⅲ) with TiOE/TNTs
    5.6.3 Synergy mechanism of the simultaneous decontamination of phenol and CrⅥ)
    5.7 Influencing factors for photocatalytic oxidation of Cr
    5.7.1 pH value
    5.7.2 Amount ofphotocatalyst
    5.7.3 Illumination intensity
    5.7.4 Cr (Ⅵ) concentration
    5.7.5 Electrolyte
    5.7.6 Organic compounds co-existed
    5.7.7 O2
    5.8 Conclusions and outlook
    6 Heterogeneous Photocatalytie Degradation of Gaseous Pollutants Introduction
    6.1 Photocatalytic oxidation mechanism
    6.1.1 Aliphatic oxidation
    6.1.2 Aromatic oxidation
    6.2 Progress on the PCO of VOCs and NOx, SO2
    6.3 Influencing factors
    6.3.1 Light intensity and light spectrum
    6.3.2 Pollutant concentration
    6.3.3 Humidity
    6.3.4 Temperature
    6.3.5 Oxygen in photocatalytic system
    6.3.6 Additions
    6.3.7 Mass transport
    6.3.8 Photocatalysts
    6.4 Kinetic models
    6.5 Summary and future trends
    Main References
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