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  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030455819
  • 作者:編者:Xunren Yang
  • 頁數:394
  • 出版日期:2015-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2015-01-01
  • 包裝:精裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 《大氣聲學(精)》由Xunren Yang編著,講述
    了:In this book,essential descriptions of
    structural properties and acoustical behav.
    iors of the atmosphere as a propagation
    medium of sound waves will be given first.
    Then,based on fundamental equations of
    fluid dynamics,combined with the prac.tice
    of the medium atmosphere,a series of
    acoustic wave processes such as reflection,
    refraction,scattering,diffraction and
    absorption are discussed.
  • Preface
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Scope of the discipline and historical review
    1.2 Structure and acoustic properties of the atmosphere
    1.2.1 Stratification structure of the atmosphere
    1.2.2 Turbulence structure of the atmosphere
    1.2.3 The acoustic properties of the atmosphere
    1.3 Thermodynamic relationships in the atmosphere
    1.3.1 Equation of state and adiabatic equation
    1.3.2 Barometric equation and scale height, isothermal atmosphere and atmosphere with constant temperature gradient
    1.3.3 Potential temperature and Vaisala-Brunt frequency
    1.4 Fundamental relations of atmospheric dynamics
    1.4.1 Equation of motion
    1.4.2 Equation of continuity, equation of state, tensor presentation
    1.4.3 Conservation laws
    1.4.4 Geopotential altitude and coriolis force
    1.5 Types of atmospheric waves
    Chapter 2 Basic Concepts and Processing Methods
    2.1 Wave equation in homogeneous atmosphere
    2.1.1 Derivation of the wave equation
    2.1.2 Velocity potential (acoustic potential) and wave equation including quantities of second order
    2.1.3 Helmholtz equation
    2.2 Energy relations in acoustic waves
    2.2.1 Energy and energy flow density in acoustic waves
    2.2.2 Momentum in acoustic waves and time-averaged values of acoustic pressure
    2.2.3 Lagrange density in acoustic waves
    2.3 Wave equation in inhomogeneous atmosphere
    2.3.1 Wave equation and solution-defining conditions
    2.3.2 Review of the existing solutions
    2.4 WKB approximation
    2.4.1 General remarks
    2.4.2 Airy functions
    2.4.3 The wave field in the presence of a turning point
    2.5 Normal mode solutions
    2.5.1 Image of virtual sources
    2.5.2 Integral representation of the field
    2.5.3 Normal modes
    2.5.4 Cases of arbitrary boundaries
    2.6 Basic concepts of geometrical (ray) acoustics
    2.6.1 Wave fronts, rays and eikonal
    2.6.2 Ray-tracing equations
    2.6.3 Fermat's principle
    Chapter 3 Sound Propagation in Atmosphere -- Refraction and Reflection
    3.1 Sound propagation in quiescent homogeneous media
    3.1.1 Parametric description of wave fronts
    3.1.2 Variation of principal radii of curvature along a ray
    3.1.3 Caustic surface
    3.2 Sound refraction in stratified inhomogeneous media
    3.2.1 Refraction caused by sound-speed gradients
    3.2.2 Refraction caused by windspeed gradients
    3.3 Acoustic rays in the atmosphere
    3.3.1 Ray integrals
    3.3.2 Rays in waveguides
    3.3.3 "Abnormal" propagation
    3.4 Amplitude variations in quiescent media
    3.4.1 Wave amplitude in quiescent and homogeneous media
    3.4.2 Energy conservation along rays" extension to slowly-varying media
    3.5 Amplitude variations in moving media
    3.5.1 Wave equation in moving media
    3.5.2 Conservation of wave action quantities
    3.5.3 The Blokhintzev (BлoxидeB) invariant
    3.6 Sound wave reflection from the interface between two media
    Chapter 4 Sound Scattering and Diffraction in Atmosphere
    Chapter 5 Sound Absorption in Atmosphere
    Chapter 6 Effects from Gravity Field and Earth's Rotation
    Chapter 7 Computational Atmospheric Acoustics
    Chapter 8 Acoustic Remote Sensing for the Atmosphere
    Chapter 9 Non-linear Atmospheric Acoustics
    Chapter 10 Sound Sources in Atmosphere
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