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  • ISBN:1853267260
  • 作者:Mary Elizabeth Braddon著
  • 頁數:355
  • 出版日期:1997-01-01
  • 印刷日期:1997-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • The flaxen-haired beauty of the childlike Lady Audley would suggest that she has no secrets.But M.E. Braddon's classic novel of sensation uncovers the truth about its heroine in a plot revolving bigamy, arson and murder.It challenges assumptions about the nature of fernininity and investigates the narrow divide between sanity and insanity, using as ts focus one of the most fascinating of all Victorian heroines. Cornbining elements of the detective novel, the psychological thriller and the romance of upper class ife. Lady Audley's Secret was one of the most popular and successful novels of the nineteenth century and still exerts a powerful hold on readers.
  • One reason for this popularity was that Lady Audley"s Secret catered for, and helped to foster, a growing appetite for the lurid, scandalous and melodramatic in Victorian fiction. These elements, as well as plots dependent on mysterious identities and guilty secrets, were the hallmarks of sensation fiction; the novel which originated the fashion is often taken to be Wilkie Collins"s The Woman in White (186o).Braddon adds an extrafrisson by focusing the mystery and guilt on the figure of the heroine. In the process, she subverts and tests to the limit the image of the idealised heroine of much Victorian fiction. Lucy Graham, the poor governess, has a childlike beauty: the ageing Sir Michael Audley cannot resist "that slender throat and drooping head,with its wealth of showering flaxon curls": he makes her his wife. Yet the gradual uncovering of her secrets - she has several - indicates that this apparendy docile and girlish creature, whose "very childishness had a charm which few could resist", is a calculating bigamist with an abandoned child. It appears that she has murdered George Talboys (her first husband, inconveniently returned from Australia) and she attempts two further murders to cover her trail. In much of this she is shadowed by her maid, Phoebe Marks, who closely resembles her, but whose ghastly pallor and servant status provide an oblique comment on the heroine"s own ambiguous identity. The flaxen-haired beauty of the childlike Lady Audley would suggest that She has no secrets. But M.E. graddon's classic novel of sensation uncovers the truth about its heroine in a plot involving bigamy, arson and murder.
    It challenges assumptions about the nature of femininity and investigates the narrow divide between sanity and insanity, using as its focus one of the most fascinating of all Victorian heroines. Combining elements of the detective novel, the psychological thriller and the romance of upper class life, Lady Audley's Secret was one of the most popular and successful novels of the nineteenth century and still exerts a powerful hold on readers.
    On Board the Argus
    Hidden Relics
    In the First Page of The Times
    The Headstone at Ventnor
    Anywhere, Anywhere out of the Worm
    After a Year
    Before the Storm
    After the Storm
    The Mark upon My Lady"s Wrist
    Still Missing
    Troubled Dreams
    Phoebe"s Suitor
    On the Watch
    Robert Audley Gets His Conge
    At the Castle Inn
    Robert Receives a Visitor Whom He Had
    Scarcely Expected
    The Blacksmith"s Mistake

    The Writing in the Book
    Mrs Plowson
    Little Georgey Leaves His Old Home
    Coming to a Standstill
    George"s Letters
    Retrograde Investigation
    So Far and No Farther
    Beginning at the Other End
    Hidden in the Grave
    In the Lime Walk
    Preparing the Ground
    Phoebe"s Petition

    The Red Light in the Sky
    The Bearer of the Tidings
    My Lady Tells the Truth
    The Hush that Succeeds the Tempest
    Dr Mosgrave"s Advice
    Buried Alive
    That Which the Dying Man Had to Tell
    At Peace

    1 Lucy
    2 On Board the Argus
    3 Hidden Relics
    4 In the First Page of The Times
    5 The Headstone at Ventnor
    6 Anywhere, Anywhere out of the World
    7 After a Year
    8 Before the Storm
    9 After the Storm
     10 Missing
     11 The Mark upon My Lady's Wrist
     12 Still Missing
     13 Troubled Dreams
     14 Phoebe's Suitor
     15 On the Watch
     16 Robert Audley Gets His Conge
     17 At the Castle Inn
     18 Robert Receives a Visitor Whom He Had Scarcely Expected
    19 The Blacksmith's Mistake
    1 The Writing in the Book
    2 Mrs Plowson
    3 Little Georgey Leaves His OM Home
    4 Coming to a Standstill
    5 Clara
    6 George's Letters
    7 Retrograde Investigation
    8 So Far and No Farther
    9 Beginning at the Other End
    10 Hidden in the Grave
    11 In the Lime Walk
    12 Preparing the Ground
    13 Phcebe's Petition
    1 The Red Light in the Sky
    2 The Bearer of the Tidings
    3 My Lady Tells the Truth
    4 The Hush that Succeeds the Tempest
    5 Dr Mosgrave's Advice
    6 Buried Alive
    7 Ghost-Haunted
    8 That Which the Dying Man Had to Tell
    9 Restored
    10 At Peace
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