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  • 出版社:PALGRAVE
  • ISBN:9780230746794
  • 頁數:406
  • 出版日期:2010-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2010-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • This story contains several extremely detailed scenes of torture and violence. It is not for the squeamish or individuals with a weak stomach or vivid imagination. They are not so frequent that I was unable to finish the book, and they are essential to the story so that it is difficult to skip them and fully comprehend the horror that is the basis of the narrative. However, if I had not been a fan of Baldacci and had not thoroughly enjoyed THE WHOLE TRUTH, the earlier novel in which the mysterious Shaw and his controller Frank were introduced, I might have chosen not to finish the story since I am not a fan of the type of gruesome scenes scattered throughout this book.
  • Evan Waller is a monster. He has built a fortune from his willingness to buy and sell anything - and anyone. In search of new opportunities, Waller has just begun a new business venture: one that could lead to millions of deaths all over the globe. On WaLler's trail is Shaw, the mysterious operative from The Whole Truth, who must preventWaUer from closing his latest deal. Shaw's one chance to bring him down will come in the most unlikely of places: a serene, bucolic vii[age in Provence. But Waller's depravity and ruthlessness go deeper than Shaw knows. And now, there is someone else pursuing Waller in Provence - Reggie Campion. an agent for a secret vigilante group headquartered in a musty old English estate - and she has an agenda of her own. Hunting the same man and unaware of each other's mission. Shaw and Reggie will be caught in a deadly duel of nerve and wits. Hitchcockian in its intimate buildup of suspense and filled with the remarkable characters, breathtaking plot turns, and blockbuster finale that are David Baldacci's hallmarks, Deliver Us From Evilis one of the most gripping thrillers of the year.

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