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  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510005299
  • 作者:(英)李德
  • 頁數:431
  • 出版日期:2010-04-01
  • 印刷日期:2010-04-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 《規範理論和現代粒子物理學導論》分為兩冊,詳細地介紹了粒子物理學的現代理論和實驗。條理分明,表述連貫。作者以簡明直觀的方式,闡釋隱藏在實驗現像背後的深刻的物理原理,同時循序漸進地講解從事粒子物理研究用到的現代方法。本書收入了許多粒子物理領域的新成果,還有若干很有特色的議題,例如高階弱電效應,誇克混合,噴流,深度非彈性輕子-強子散射,簡單部分子模型的量子色動力學修正,以及量子色動力學的非微擾理論等。本冊為第2卷,在介紹了CP破壞之後,主要講解量子色動力學及其在“硬”過程中的應用,同時也介紹了“軟”強子物理和非微擾量子色動力學。
  • Preface
    Notational conventions
    Note added in proof: the discovery of the top quark (?)
    Note added in proof: the demise of the SSC
    18 Determination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
    18.1 KM matrix elements from β-decay reactions
    18.2 KM matrix elements from deep inelastic scattering
    18.3 SuInmary
    19 Mixing and CP violation
    19.1 General phenomenology of mixing and CP violation
    19.1.1 General formalism for mixing
    19.1.2 General formalism for CP violation
    19.1.3 Practical aspects of mixing and CP violation
    19.2 Detailed phenomenology of CP violation in the K0-K0 system
    19.2.1 Formalism and summary of data
    19.2.2 Relation between phenomenological parameters and the CP-violating Hamiltonian
    19.3 DynAmics of mixing and CP violation
    19.3.1 Connection with the SM (weak) Hamiltonian
    19.3.2 Estimate for e in the SM
    19.3.3 Estimate of ε'/ε in the SM
    19.3.4 Summary on e and ε' in the K0-K0 system
    19.4 Dynamics of B0-B0 mixing
    19.4.1 Mixing ignoring CP violation
    19.4.2 CP violation in the B~-B~ system
    20 Regularization, renormalization and introduction to the renormalization group
    20.1 Introduction
    20.2 Parameters and physical observables in a field theory
    20.3 The idea of renormalization
    20.4 Choice of cut-off procedure regularization
    20.5 Choice of renormalization scheme
    20.5.1 The momentum point subtraction (MPS) scheme
    20.5.2 Renormalization schemes specifically linked to dimensional regularization (DR)
    20.6 The renormalization group
    20.7 A concrete example of different renormalization schemes
    20.8 Consequences of the renormalization group equation
    20.9 Scaling and asymptotic freedom
    20.10 Appendix to Chapter 20
    20.10.1 Definition of a d-dimensional integral
    20.10.2 Questions of convergence and analytic continuation
    20.10.3 Some useful d-dimensional integrals
    20.10.4 Regularization of the 4-point vertex in φ4 theory
    21 Gauge theories, QCD and the renormalization group
    21.1 Introduction
    21.2 Gauge theories: QED
    21.2.1 Retaining Maxwell's equations for the field operators
    21.2.2 Modifying Maxwell's equations for the field operators
    21.3 Gauge theories: QCD
    21.3.1 Differences between QCD and QED
    21.4 Feynman rules for QCD
    21.4.1 The propagators
    21.4.2 The vertices
    21.5 The renormalization group for QCD
    21.5.1 Specification of the renormalization scheme in QCD
    21.5.2 Consequences of the renormalization group in QCD
    21.6 The effect of heavy quarks
    21.7 The running coupling in QCD
    21.7.1 Renormalization scheme dependence of a and A
    21.8 Conclusion
    22 Applications of the QCD renormalization group
    22.1 e+e- → hadrons
    22.2 Deep inelastic lepton scattering
    22.2.1 The operator product expansion
    22.2.2 Relating coefficient functions to moments of structure functions
    22.2.3 Renormalization group analysis of coefficient functions
    22.2.4 q2 dependence of the moments in leading order
    22.2.5 An interpretation of the Q2 variation of parton distributions in leading logarithmic approximation
    22.2.6 q2 dependence of the moments in higher order
    22.2.7 Conclusion
    23 The parton model in QCD
    23.1 Partons in a field theoretic context
    23.1.1 Heuristic reinterpretation of simple Feynman diagrams
    23.1.2 Application to QCD
    23.1.3 The parton model in field theory
    23.2 QCD corrections to the parton model
    23.2.1 Redefinition of fq/h
    23.2.2 Collinear singularities--their physical origin
    23.3 Structure of the leading logarithmic terms
    23.4 Q2-dependent distribution functions
    23.5 Summary of the evolution equations in LLA
    23.6 Small x behaviour of the Q2-dependent gluon distribution in LLA
    23.7 Behaviour of distributions as z → 1 in LLA
    23.8 Beyond the LLA
    23.9 Comparison with experiment in deep inelastic scattering
    23.10 General form of the QCD-improved patton model
    23.11 QCD corrections to Drell-Yan and W production
    23.11.1 Drell-Yan production
    23.11.2 Transverse momentum distribution of Drell-Yan pairs
    23.11.3 Hadronic production of W and Z0
    23.11.4 Transverse momentum distribution of W and Z0
    23.12 Summary
    24 Large Pr phenomena and jets in hadronic reactions
    24.1 Introduction
    24.2 Historical survey. Hard qq scattering
    24.3 From quarks to hadrons
    24.3.1 Inclusive reactions
    24.3.2 Exclusive reactions
    24.4 Comments on the QCD interpretation of large Pr phenomena
    24.4.1 Evidence for jets
    24.4.2 Inclusive jet production
    24.4.3 Transverse momentum distribution with respect to the jet axis
    24.5 Two-jet production at large Pr
    24.5.1 Jet angular distribution
    24.5.2 Tests of the Q2 evolution
    24.5.3 Hadronic interactions at large Pr revisited
    24.6 Prompt photons
    24.7 Two and more jets in the final state
    24.8 Jet fragmentation
    24.9 Comments on O(a3) corrections and conclusions
    25 Jets and hadrons in e+e- physics
    25.1 Introduction
    25.2 General outline of e+e- jets
    25.2.1 Angular distribution of hadrons produced in e+e- collisions
    25.3 SPEAR two-jet events
    25.3.1 Sphericity
    25.3.2 Jet axis
    25.3.3 Corrections to e+e- → hadrons: multijets
    25.4 Planar events: evidence for three jets
    25.5 Tests ot'QCD up to LEP energies
    25.6 The total hadronic width at the Z0
    25.7 Basic Monte Carlo formulations
    25.8 QCD Monte Carlo programs
    25.8.1 The perturbative phase
    25.8.2 The hadronization phase
    25.9 Multiplicity
    25.10 Global event-shape analysis
    25.11 Jet definition or recombination schemes
    25.12 Particle flow patterns in 3-jet events
    25.13 To what extent is QCD being tested?
    26 Low Pr or 'soft' hadronic physics
    26.1 The total and elastic cross-sections
    26.2 The differential cross-section
    26.3 The real to imaginary ratio
    26.4 The inclusive PT distribution
    26.5 Diffractive dissociation
    26.6 The average multiplicity
    26.7 The multiplicity distribution of charged particles
    26.8 Conclusions
    Note added in proof: the real to imaginary ratio, d, in pp elastic scattering
    27 Some non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories
    27.1 QCD sum rules
    27.2 Lattice approach to QCD
    27.3 The vacuum in quantum mechanics and instantons
    27.3.1 An example in one-dimensional motion
    27.4 The QCD vacuum and instantons
    27.4.1 Degenerate vacua in classical field theory
    27.4.2 The 8-vacuum in QCD
    27.5 Strong CP violation and the U(1) problem
    27.6 Baryon and lepton non-conservations: sphalerons
    27.6.1 Degenerate vacua in the SM
    27.6.2 Baryon and lepton numbers of the vacua
    27.6.3 The sphaleron
    28 Beyond the standard model
    28.1 Introduction
    28.2 The 'missing links' of the SM
    28.3 Criticisms of the SM
    28.3.1 The U(1) and 8 problems
    28.3.2 Parameter counting
    28.4 Grand unification theories (GUT)
    28.5 Compositeness
    28.6 Supersymmetry and supergravity
    Appendix 1: Elements of field theory
    A1.1 Fields and creation operators
    A1.2 Parity, charge conjugation and G-parity
    A1.2.1 Parity
    A1.2.2 Charge conjugation
    A1.2.3 G-parity
    A1.3 The S-matrix
    Appendix 2: Feynman rules for QED, QCD and the SM
    A2.1 Relation between S-matrix and Feynman amplitude
    A2.2 QCD and QED
    A2.3 The SM
    A2.4 Some examples of Feynman amplitudes
    A2.5 Colour sums
    A2.6 The Gell-Mann SU(3) matrices
    A2.7 The Fierz reshuffle theorem
    A2.8 Dimension of matrix elements
    Appendix 3: Conserved vector currents and their charges
    Appendix 4: Operator form of Feynman amplitudes and effective Hamiltonians
    Appendix 5: S-matrix, T-matrix and Feynman amplitude
    Appendix 6: Consequences of CPT invariance for matrix elements
    Appendix 7: Formulae for the basic partonic 2 → 2 processes
    A7.1 Reactions with only quarks and gluons
    A7.1.1 Comparison of paxton cross-section at 90°
    A7.2 Reactions with one photon
    A7.3 Reactions with two photons
    Appendix 8: Euclidean space conventions
    Analytic subject index for vols. 1 and2
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