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  • 出版社:譯林
  • ISBN:9787544774208
  • 作者:(英國)魯德亞德·吉卜林|譯者:何妍嬌|改編:(美國)...
  • 頁數:185
  • 出版日期:2018-09-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-09-01
  • 包裝:精裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 譯林“有聲雙語經典”原版引進美國教育專家特為學生編寫的英語名著,精選貼近中國學生英語習得水平的經典作品。叢書甄選優質中文譯本,配以導讀、作家作品簡介和插圖,並聘請**高考聽力卷主播朗讀英語有聲書。有聲書播放平臺操作便捷,隻需掃描書中二維碼,即可收聽、下載。叢書選目涵蓋各國經典文學作品,讓孩子在閱讀中提高文學鋻賞能力和英語聽讀能力。**兒童文學作家黃蓓佳長文導讀**。

  • 諾貝爾文學獎得主魯德亞德?吉卜林的《奇幻森林》描繪了一個充滿驚奇意趣的動物世界。虎口脫險的“人類小崽子”毛克利在西奧尼狼群中長大,他不僅跟著棕熊巴魯和黑豹巴格伊拉學會了“叢林法則”,還在岩蟒卡阿的幫助下把猴民打得落花流水,甚至戰勝了自己的宿敵——兇惡卑鄙的老虎謝爾可汗!這本書裡還有深夜跳舞的大像、性格堅毅的白海豹、恪盡職守的貓鼬,他們的生活和毛克利的故事同樣精彩。
  • 魯德亞德?吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling,1865—1936),英國小說家、詩人,諾貝爾文學獎得主。他出生於印度孟買,少年時期前往英國求學,青年時期又返回印度擔任記者,其間創作了大量的短篇小說,被譽為“東方升起的明星”。他一生著作等身,代表作包括《叢林之書》《叢林之書續篇》《山裡的故事》等多部極富特色的短篇小說集,是19世紀末20世紀初英國浪漫主義小說的代表人物之一。
  • 目 錄
    第1章 毛克利的兄弟們
    第2章 卡阿的狩獵
    第3章 老虎!老虎!
    第4章 白海豹
    第5章 瑞奇—帝奇—塔維
    第6章 大像們的圖米
    第7章 女王陛下的僕人們
    第8章 兵營動物檢閱之歌

    Table of Contents
    CHAPTER 1 Mowgli’s Brothers
    CHAPTER 2 Kaa’s Hunting
    CHAPTER 3 Tiger! Tiger!
    CHAPTER 4 The White Seal
    CHAPTER 5 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
    CHAPTER 6 Toomai of the Elephants
    CHAPTER 7 Her Majesty’s Servants
    CHAPTER 8 Parade Song of the Camp Animals
  • 第1章 毛克利的兄弟們 黑夜被蝙蝠芒恩放出, 又被老鷹齊爾帶回家中。
    躁起來啊鬧起來! 不到天亮*不放松! 趁此時此刻,顯出神通。
    張牙舞爪吧,守衛尊榮! 聽見了嗎?歡呼陣陣—— 狩獵成功! 遵守叢林法則的獸眾! ——叢林小夜曲 這是西奧尼山上一個溫暖的夜晚。七點鐘的時候,狼爸爸醒了,他已經睡了整整**。他撓撓自己,打了個哈欠,然後伸直爪子甩了甩,想趕走爪尖裡的困意。
    “嗷嗚!”狼爸爸開口道,“又到了打獵的時間!”說著他就要跳下山去。這時,一個拖著毛尾巴的小身影出現在洞口,嘀咕道:“狼老大,祝你好運呀!哦,也祝你尊貴的孩子們好運!願他們都能長出一口尖銳鋒利的白牙。希望他們千萬別忘了,世上還有餓著肚子沒東西喫的動物們哪!” 說話的是塔比克。他是一隻豺狗,一個以撿剩飯剩菜為生的家伙。塔比克是個惹禍精,成天搬弄是非,所以印度的狼群很是看不起他。不過大家也怕他,因為他太容易發瘋了,叢林裡沒有任何一種動物能趕得上他。他一發起瘋來就忘了形,根本不記得自己曾經害怕過所有動物,無所顧忌地在叢林裡亂竄,見一個咬一個。
    “那行,你就進來看看。”狼爸爸不帶任何感情地說,“但是家裡沒喫的。” “對於狼來說是沒有啊,”塔比克說,“但是對我這樣下賤的豺狗來說,一根干骨頭就是頓大餐啦!豺狗算什麼?有資格挑三揀四嗎?”他一溜兒小跑到了洞底,發現了一根帶一點點肉的雄鹿骨頭,便心滿意足地坐著啃了起來,喫得津津有味。
    “多謝這頓大餐。”塔比克舔了舔自己的嘴唇。隨後他不懷好意地說:“大塊頭謝爾可汗要換地兒打獵啦。下個月他會來這邊的山頭打獵。這可是他告訴我的。” 謝爾可汗是一隻老虎,住在二十英裡外的維恩貢嘎河邊。
    “他沒這個權利!”狼爸爸生氣地說,“根據‘叢林法則’,不預先通知就沒有權利換地兒打獵!他會嚇壞方圓十英裡內的所有獵物的。我*近每天要打雙倍的獵物纔夠呢。” “謝爾可汗打一出生就瘸了一條腿,所以他打獵的時候纔認準了耕牛。現在維恩貢嘎河的村民們都對他惱羞成怒了,他就跑這兒來招惹我們的村民。不過事實上,我們還是要感激謝爾可汗的。”狼媽媽平靜地說道。
    “滾出去!”狼爸爸厲聲說,“滾出去跟你主子一起打獵去。” “我走就是了。”塔比克平心靜氣地說。
    “蠢貨!”狼爸爸說,“晚上剛開工就發出這樣的噪聲。難道他以為我們這兒的雄鹿跟維恩貢嘎河邊肥肥的犍牛一個德性?” “他今晚的目標不是雄鹿,也不是犍牛。”狼媽媽說,“是人類!” “喫人?”狼爸爸說,露出了滿口白牙,“難道甲蟲和青蛙還不夠他喫的?” “叢林法則”的任何一條規定都是有根據的。它禁止所有野獸喫人,除非是為了向孩子們示範如何獵殺。獵殺人類,意味著白種人會挎著*騎上大像來這兒,敲鑼打鼓的棕皮膚人會帶著火箭**、舉著火把闖進叢林。那時叢林裡的野獸都要遭殃。喫人會生疥癬,掉牙齒,野獸們在這一點上達成了共識。這是千真萬確的。
    “他沒得手。”狼媽媽說,“有東西上山來了,快準備好。” 灌木叢裡沙沙作響。狼爸爸彎下腰準備一躍而起,但他跳起來的時候並沒有看清楚自己正撲向的目標。結果他努力收住自己的動作,直直地向上躥起了四五英尺,幾乎落在了原地。
    “多麼小的崽子啊!他光溜溜的,但是他真的好勇敢啊!”狼媽媽溫柔地說。為了取暖,小崽子擠進了小狼崽中間。“啊哈!他正和我們的孩子一起喫東西呢。” “他連毛都沒有,我輕輕一腳就能要了他的命,”狼爸爸說,“可是你看啊,他就這麼抬頭看著我,一點兒也不害怕。” CHAPTER 1 Mowgli’s Brothers Now Chil the Kite brings home the night That Mang the Bat sets free— The herds are shut in barn and hut, For loosed till dawn are we. This is the hour of pride and power, Talon and tush and claw. Oh, hear the call! Good hunting, all That keep the Jungle Law! —Night Song in the Jungle It was seven o’clock on a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills. Father Wolf woke up from his day’s rest, scratched himself, and yawned. He spread out his paws to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips. Mother Wolf lay with her big, gray nose across her four tumbling, squealing cubs. The moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. “Augrh!” said Father Wolf. “It is time to hunt again.” He was going to spring downhill when a little shadow with a bushy tail crossed the threshold. It whined, “Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves. Good luck and strong white teeth go with noble children. May they never forget the hungry in this world.” It was the Jackal, Tabaqui the Dish-licker. The wolves of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making mischief and telling tales. But they are afraid of him, too. More than anyone else in the jungle, Tabaqui is apt to go mad. Then he forgets that he is ever afraid of anyone and runs through the forest biting everything in his way. Even the tiger runs and hides when little Tabaqui goes mad. Madness is the most disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature. We call it rabies, but they call it dewanee—the madness—and run. “Enter and look, then,” said Father Wolf stiffly. “But there is no food here.” “For a wolf, no,” said Tabaqui. “But for myself a dry bone is a good feast. Who are the Gidur-log—the Jackal People—to pick and choose?” He scuttled to the back of the cave. He found the bone of a buck with some meat on it and sat cracking the end merrily. “All thanks for this good meal,” he said, licking his lips. Then he said spitefully, “Shere Khan, the Big One, has shifted his hunting grounds. He has told me that he will hunt among these hills for the next moon.” Shere Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away. “He has no right!” Father Wolf began angrily. “By the Law of the Jungle he has no right to change without warning. He will frighten every head of game within ten miles. And I have to kill for two these days.” Mother Wolf said quietly, “He has been lame in one foot from his birth. That is why he has only killed cattle. Now the villagers of the Waingunga are angry with him and he has come here to make our villagers angry. Indeed, we are very grateful to Shere Khan!” “Shall I tell him of your gratitude?” said Tabaqui. “Out!” snapped Father Wolf. “Out and hunt with your master.” “I go,” said Tabaqui quietly. Below in the valley that ran down to a little river, Father Wolf heard a noise. It was the snarly, singsong whine of a tiger who has caught nothing. “The fool!” said Father Wolf. “To begin a night’s work with that noise! Does he think our buck are like his fat steer?” “It is neither steer nor buck he hunts tonight,” said Mother Wolf. “It is Man.” “Man!” said Father Wolf, showing all his white teeth. “Are there not enough beetles and frogs that he must eat Man?” The Law of the Jungle never orders anything without a reason. It forbids every beast to eat Man except when he is showing his children how to kill. Man-killing means the arrival of white mn on elephants with guns and brown men with gongs, rockets, and torches. Then everybody in the Jungle suffers. The beasts say man-eaters become mangy and lose their teeth. It is true. A purr grew louder and ended in a full “Aaarh!” of the tiger’s charge. Then there was a howl, an untigerish howl, from Shere Khan. “He has missed,” said Mother Wolf. “Something is coming uphill. Get ready.” The bush rustled a little. Father Wolf dropped his haunches, ready to leap. He made his bound before he saw what it was he was jumping at. Then he tried to stop himself. He shot straight up into the air for four or five feet, landing almost where he left the ground. “A man’s cub!” he snapped. Directly in front of him stood a naked brown baby, holding on to a low branch. He looked up into Father Wolf’s face and laughed. “Bring it here,” said Mother Wolf. A wolf can mouth an egg without breaking it. Father Wolf’s jaws closed right on the child’s back, yet not a tooth even scratched the skin. He laid it down among the cubs. “How little! How naked and how bold!” said Mother Wolf softly. The baby was pushing his way between the cubs to get close to the warm hide. “Ahai! He is taking his meal with the others.” “He is altogether without hair and I could kill him with a touch of my foot,” said Father Wolf. “But see, he looks up and is not afraid.”
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