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  • 出版社:譯林
  • ISBN:9787544773676
  • 作者:[美國] 弗朗西絲?霍奇森?伯內特 著,[美國] 簡?...
  • 頁數:189
  • 出版日期:2018-09-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 譯林“有聲雙語經典”原版引進美國教育專家特為學生編寫的英語名著,精選貼近中國學生英語習得水平的經典作品。叢書甄選優質中文譯本,配以導讀、作家作品簡介和插圖,並聘請**高考聽力卷主播朗讀英語有聲書。有聲書播放平臺操作便捷,隻需掃描書中二維碼,即可收聽、下載。叢書選目涵蓋各國經典文學作品,讓孩子在閱讀中提高文學鋻賞能力和英語聽讀能力。**兒童文學作家黃蓓佳長文導讀**。
    《秘密花園》是伯內特的代表作, 1911年**出版便暢銷於英語世界,此後不斷被改編成戲劇和電影。它被《時代周刊》譽“關於大自然的魔法和人類美好心靈的故事”,深深影響了諾貝爾文學獎得主T.S.艾略特和D.H.勞倫斯。《秘密花園》已成為兒童文學經典,被許多歐美學校選入英文教材,並被翻譯成50多種語言,為世界兒童所喜愛。
  • 伯內特女士為我們講述了一個關於愛和大自然魔法的故事。性情乖戾的小女孩瑪麗父母雙亡,生活在姑父陰沉的莊園裡。她由知更鳥引領,開啟了禁閉已久的秘密花園。從此,她和農家少年狄肯、病弱的少爺科林一起遊戲、勞作。在重新賦予花園生機的過程中,孩子們建立起深厚的友誼,瑪麗和科林都變得健康而陽光。在見識了大自然的魔法之後,克雷文先生對科林的父愛被喚醒,也尋回了喪失已久的快樂。
  • 弗朗西絲?霍奇森?伯內特,英語世界家喻戶曉的美國女作家,生於英國曼徹斯特,1865年隨全家移民美國田納西州。代表作品有小說《秘密花園》、《小爵士》和《小公主》,三部小說都曾風行一時,是英美家庭為子女陶冶情操的必備文學讀物,並被多次改編為戲劇和電影。伯內特的作品自始至終縈繞著一種美好、善良的氛圍,散發著人性的光輝。
  • 目 錄
    第1章 一個人都不剩
    第2章 瑪麗小姐真倔強
    第3章 穿過荒原
    第4章 瑪莎
    第5章 本和知*鳥
    第6章 走廊裡的哭泣
    第7章 花園的鑰匙
    第8章 領路的知*鳥
    第9章 *奇怪的房子
    **0章 狄肯
    **1章 我能有一小片地嗎?
    **2章 我是科林
    **3章 小王爺
    **4章 科林發脾氣了
    **5章 秘密
    **6章 狄肯來了!
    **7章 我會一直活下去
    **8章 魔法
    **9章 我的母親!
    第20章 花園

    Table of Contents
    CHAPTER 1 There Is No One Left
    CHAPTER 2 Mistress Mary Quite Contrary
    CHAPTER 3 Across the Moor
    CHAPTER 4 Martha
    CHAPTER 5 Ben and the Robin
    CHAPTER 6 The Cry in the Corridor
    CHAPTER 7 The Key of the Garden
    CHAPTER 8 The Robin Who Showed the Way
    CHAPTER 9 The Strangest House
    CHAPTER 10 Dickon
    CHAPTER 11 Might I Have a Bit of Earth?
    CHAPTER 12 I Am Colin
    CHAPTER 13 The Young Rajah
    CHAPTER 14 Colin’s Temper
    CHAPTER 15 The Secret
    CHAPTER 16 Dickon Has Come!
    CHAPTER 17 I Shall Live Forever and Ever
    CHAPTER 18 Magic
    CHAPTER 19 It’s Mother!
    CHAPTER 20 In the Garden
  • 第1章 一個人都不剩 瑪麗?倫諾克斯小臉瘦削、身材單薄。黃色的頭發耷拉著、黯淡無光。她膚色蠟黃,還總是哭喪著臉。
    “你為什麼在這裡?”她問道,“把我奶媽叫來。” 那陌生人顯得十分害怕,結結巴巴地說:“對不起,小姐。您的奶媽不能到這兒來了。” 陌生女人伺候瑪麗穿衣服,瑪麗發出刺耳的尖叫,對她又打又踢。那人趕快離開了房間。
    現在她的大眼睛裡充滿了恐懼。“有那麼嚴重嗎?”她問道,“噢,真的嗎?” “糟透了,”年輕人回答說,瑪麗聽到他的聲音在顫抖,“你兩個星期以前就應該到山上去的。” 瑪麗的母親絞著雙手。“我留下來是為了參加那場愚蠢的宴會!”她哭訴,“我真是一個蠢貨!” 瑪麗還在對母親所言感到困惑時,哭嚎聲從僕人區傳來。瑪麗的母親抓住軍官的手臂。瑪麗站起來,渾身發抖,因為哭嚎聲越來越響亮了。
    “準是有人死了,”年輕軍官說,“你沒有告訴我這裡暴發了疾病!” “我不知道。”倫諾克斯太太倒抽了一口氣。她轉身跑進屋裡,年輕軍官緊隨其後。
    “多麼荒涼,”一個人說,“那麼漂亮的女人。我聽說她有個孩子,盡管沒人見過。” 瑪麗瞪著門,這時門開了。那軍官看到她,喫了一驚,往後跳去。“我的天哪,一個孩子!在這樣的地方!” 瑪麗對那軍官皺起眉頭,說:“我是瑪麗?倫諾克斯。大家都生病的時候我睡著了。為什麼沒有人來找我?” “這是那個沒人見過的孩子,”另一名軍官說話了,人們聚過來圍在門口,“實際上她被遺忘了。” “可憐的孩子,”一個慈眉善目的男人說,“沒有人能來,因為一個人都不剩了。” 於是,瑪麗知道她的父親和母親都死了。所有活著的僕人都逃走了,隻剩她獨自一人留在世上。
    CHAPTER 1 There Is No One Left Mary Lennox had a little thin face and a little thin body. Her yellow hair hung limp and dull. Her skin was faintly yellow and she wore a tight, sour expression at all times. She was born in India, squalling, thin and ugly. Her pretty mother took one look at her and said that she must be kept out of sight. Mary was handed over to a servant, and her mother rarely looked upon her again. For nine years, Mary’s life rarely changed. Then one frightfully hot morning, she awoke feeling very cross. She sat up to snap at her nursemaid, only to see a strange servant standing beside her bed. “Why are you there?” she demanded. “Send my Ayah to me now!” The stranger looked frightened and stammered, “I’m sorry, Missie Sahib. Your Ayah cannot come.” Mary shrieked, slapped, and kicked as the strange woman tried to help her dress. The stranger left the room as quickly as she could. Mary stormed around the house. None of the servants would tell her anything about her Ayah. They merely hurried away when they spotted her. Finally, Mary wandered out into the garden and began to play by herself near the veranda. Mary pretended she was making a flower bed. She picked blossoms from the tall hibiscus hedge and stuck the red flowers into little heaps of dirt. Mary heard her mother come out on the veranda with a fair young officer. The two spoke together in low voices. Mary stared at her mother, since she got so few glimpses of her. She was a tall, slim, pretty person who wore such lovely clothes and seemed always to be laughing or smiling. Now her eyes were large and scared. “Is it so very bad?” she asked. “Oh, is it?” “Awfully,” the young man said and Mary heard his voice tremble. “You ought to have gone to the hills two weeks ago.” Mary’s mother wrung her hands. “I only stayed to go to a silly dinner party!” she cried. “What a fool I was!” While Mary puzzled over what her mother meant, wailing rang out from the servants’ quarters. Mary’s mother clutched the young officer’s arm. Mary stood up, shivering as the wailing grew wilder and wilder. “What is it?” her mother cried. “Someone has died,” the young officer said. “You didn’t say the sickness had broken out here!” “I didn’t know,” Mrs. Lennox gasped. She turned and ran into the house with the young officer at her heels. Eventually someone explained to Mary that a terrible sickness was killing people. Ayah was the first of the household to die, but the wailing sounded throughout the house over and over. In the confusion and the sickness, Mary hid herself in her nursery. She was soon completely forgotten. No one came to her or brought her food or news. Once she crept out into the dining room and found the table set with food but no one there. She ate some fruit and biscuits and wandered back to her room to sleep away the hours until someone would remember her again. When she awakened, the house was silent. No one wailed. No one rushed past her door. Maybe everyone has gotten well, she thought. Maybe someone would remember her and bring her food and a cool drink. But no one came. Mary soon heard something rustling. When she looked down, she saw a small, harmless snake crawling across the matting on her floor. “How queer and quiet it is,” she told him. He slipped out under her door as she watched. Suddenly Mary heard men’s footsteps. Low voices sounded outside her door and she crept closer to hear. “What desolation,” one man said. “That pretty, pretty woman. I heard there was a child too, though no one ever saw her.” Mary glared at the door and it opened. The officer who looked in was so startled at the sight of her that he jumped back. “Mercy, a child! In a place like this!” Mary frowned at the officer and said, “I am Mary Lennox. I fell asleep while everyone was sick. Why does no one come?” “It’s the child no one saw,” a second officer said as men crowded around the door. “She was actually forgotten.” “Poor little kid,” a kind-looking man said. “There is nobody left to come.” And so Mary learned that her father and mother were dead. Any servants left alive had fled, and she was alone in the world.
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