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  • 出版社:譯林
  • ISBN:9787544773560
  • 作者:(德國)雅各布·格林/威廉·格林 著,王燕 譯,(美國...
  • 頁數:171
  • 出版日期:2018-09-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:32開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 譯林“有聲雙語經典”原版引進美國教育專家特為學生編寫的英語名著,精選貼近中國學生英語習得水平的經典作品。叢書甄選優質中文譯本,配以導讀、作家作品簡介和插圖,並聘請**高考聽力卷主播朗讀英語有聲書。有聲書播放平臺操作便捷,隻需掃描書中二維碼,即可收聽、下載。叢書選目涵蓋各國經典文學作品,讓孩子在閱讀中提高文學鋻賞能力和英語聽讀能力。**兒童文學作家黃蓓佳長文導讀**。
  • 《格林童話》由格林兄弟搜集、整理德國民間故事、傳說而編成,是世界童話三大寶庫之一。它以豐富的想像、質樸優美的語言為孩子們塑造了眾多鮮明的形像,呈現出一個絢麗而神奇的世界。它歌頌勤勞、勇敢、機智、誠實、不懼困難等可貴品質,鼓勵人們追求真善美。本書所精選的《青蛙王子》《睡美人》《白雪公主》等廣為流傳的十篇,是這頂桂冠上永葆璀璨的明珠。
  • 雅各布?格林和威廉?格林,人稱“格林兄弟”,是19世紀德國著名的童話作家、語言學家。他們廣泛搜集德國民間故事和傳說,並吸取其他文化和語言中的文學資源,再對這些材料進行整理加工,結集出版為《兒童與家庭故事集》,即“格林童話”。兩百餘年來,《格林童話》已成為與《安徒生童話》齊名的世界兒童文學經典。 除此之外,兩兄弟還出版了《德國傳說》《德國神話》《德國語法》《德國語言史》《德語詞典》,為德國的統一奠定了重要的語言和文化基礎。
  • 目 錄
    第1章 青蛙王子
    第2章 睡美人
    第3章 白雪公主
    第4章 漢塞爾和格蕾特
    第5章 侏儒怪
    第6章 小紅帽
    第7章 萵苣姑娘
    第8章 灰姑娘
    第9章 鞋匠和小精靈
    **0章 拇指湯姆

    Table of Contents
    CHAPTER 1 The Frog Prince
    CHAPTER 2 Sleeping Beauty
    CHAPTER 3 Snow White
    CHAPTER 4 Hansel and Gretel
    CHAPTER 5 Rumpelstiltskin
    CHAPTER 6 Little Red Riding Hood
    CHAPTER 7 Rapunzel
    CHAPTER 8 Cinderella
    CHAPTER 9 The Shoemaker and the Elves
    CHAPTER 10 Tom Thumb
  • 第1章 青蛙王子 原名《青蛙國王》 在許願還奏效的古時候,有一位國王,他的女兒們貌美如花。但是他*小的女兒*是美麗,就連太陽每次照在她的臉上,都為她的美貌而驚嘆。
    “啊,遊泳老手,是你啊?”公主說,“我正為我掉到井裡的金球哭鼻子呢。” “好啦,別哭啦,我可以幫助你。但是如果我把你的玩具撈上來,你願意給我什麼呢?” “隨便你想要什麼都行,親愛的青蛙。”公主說,“我的衣服、我的珍珠和寶石,哪怕是我頭上戴著的金冠。” “我纔不在乎你的衣服、你的珍珠和寶石呢,我也不要你的金冠。如果你願意愛我,讓我做你的伴兒,喫飯的時候坐在你的旁邊,用你的小金盤子喫飯,喝你小杯子裡的水,睡在你的小床上,那我就下去把你的金球撈上來。” “哦,好的,”公主說道,“我答應你所有的要求。”然而她心裡想的卻是:這青蛙盡說蠢話!他每天就隻和其他青蛙一起待在水裡呱呱叫,他纔不可能做人類的伴兒呢! 青蛙得到了公主的承諾,頭往水裡一鑽,潛了下去。一會兒,他就叼著金球遊了上來。他把金球扔在地上。公主又看到了她的玩具,高興極了。她撿起金球,撒腿就跑。
    第二天,公主和國王還有貴族們坐在桌旁。她正喫著她的小金盤子裡的東西。這時候,有什麼東西噼啪噼啪地沿著大理石臺階爬上來。它爬到*上面,一邊敲門,一邊大叫:“公主,小公主,請你給我開開門。” 公主跑過去,想看看門外到底是誰。她剛打開門,就看到青蛙坐在那兒。她砰的一聲關上門,回到餐桌旁,心裡卻怕得要命。
    “我的孩子,你害怕什麼呀?”國王問道,“門口有個巨人要抓你嗎?” “不是巨人,是一隻討厭的青蛙。”公主回答道。
    “青蛙想干什麼呢?” “親愛的爸爸,昨天我在森林裡的井邊玩,我的金球掉到了井裡,是青蛙幫我撈上來的。他非要我發誓,讓他做我的伴兒。我根本就沒想到他能從水裡面爬出來。” 青蛙又一次敲門了,他叫道: 公主,小公主! 請你給我開開門! 你可曾記得昨日清涼的井水邊 你許下的諾言? 公主,小公主! 請你給我開開門! 這時候國王說話了:“你得兌現自己許下的諾言。去讓他進來。” 公主打開了門。青蛙跳進來,跟著公主來到她的椅子邊。他坐在那兒,說:“把我抱到你旁邊!”公主磨磨蹭蹭,直到國王命令她這麼做。青蛙一坐上椅子,就又想坐到桌子上去。
    終於,青蛙說:“我喫飽了。現在我累了。帶我到你的小房間裡去,把你那絲綢小床鋪好。我們一起睡覺吧。” 公主哭起來。她很害怕這隻冰涼的青蛙,他還要睡在自己漂亮又干淨的小床上!但是國王不高興了。
    青蛙說:“我累了,我想像你那樣睡覺。帶我上床,不然我就告訴你爸爸。” 公主氣急敗壞。她用盡全身力氣把青蛙往牆上扔過去。“現在,你可以閉嘴了,你這隻可惡的青蛙!”她說。
    馬車來接王子回國。“忠誠的亨利”幫助他們上了車,然後自己站在後面。王子得救了,他**高興。半路上,王子聽到身後啪的一聲。他轉過身說:“亨利,馬車要壞了。” “不,主人,不是馬車,是我胸前的鐵箍。你變成青蛙,被囚禁在井裡,我太傷心了,就用鐵箍綁住我的胸膛。” 一路上,總是有噼噼啪啪的聲音,每一次王子都以為馬車要壞了。
    CHAPTER 1 The Frog Prince Originally Named The Frog King In olden times when wishing still worked, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful. But the youngest was so beautiful the sun itself was astonished whenever it shone on her face. Close by the king’s castle lay a great dark forest. Under an old lime tree in the forest was a well. When the day was very warm, the king’s youngest child went and sat down by the side of the cool fountain. And when she was bored, she took a golden ball and threw it up high and caught it. This ball was her favorite plaything. On one occasion, the princess’s golden ball did not fall into the little hand she was holding up for it. It landed on the ground beyond and rolled straight into the water. The king’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but the ball vanished. The well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen. She began to cry, and then she cried louder and louder. “What ails you, king’s daughter?” someone said to her. “You weep so that even a stone would show pity.” The princess looked round to the side from where the voice came and saw a frog. He stretched forth his big, ugly head from the water. “Ah! Old water splasher, is it you?” the princess said. “I am weeping for my golden ball, which has fallen into the well.” “Be quiet and do not weep. I can help you. But what will you give me, if I bring your plaything up again?” “Whatever you will have, dear frog,” the princess said. “My clothes, my pearls and jewels, or even the golden crown I am wearing.” “I do not care for your clothes, your pearls and jewels, nor for your golden crown. If you will love me and let me be your companion, and sit by you at your table, and eat off your little golden plate, and drink from your little cup, and sleep in your little bed, I will go down below and bring your golden ball up again.” “Oh, yes,” the princess said. “I promise you all you wish.” But she thought, How the silly frog does talk! All he does is sit in the water with the other frogs and croak. He can be no companion to any human being! When the frog had received the promise, he put his head in the water and sank down. In a short while he came swimming up again with the ball in his mouth. He threw it on the ground. The king’s daughter was delighted to see her plaything once more. She picked it up and ran away with it. “Wait, wait!” said the frog. “Take me with you. I can’t run.” She did not listen, but ran home. She soon forgot the poor frog, who was forced to go back into his well. The next day, the princess was seated at the table with the king and the nobles. She was eating from her little golden plate. Something came creeping splish splash, splish splash, up the marble staircase. When it got up to the top, it knocked at the door. It cried, “Princess, youngest Princess, open the door for me.” The princess ran to see who was outside. When she opened the door, there sat the frog. She slammed the door closed and sat down to dinner again, but she was quite frightened. “My child, what are you so afraid of?” the king said. “Is there a giant outside who wants to carry you away?” “It is no giant, but a disgusting frog,” theprincess replied. “What does the frog want with you?” “Dear Father, yesterday I was in the forest sitting by the well and playing. My golden ball fell into the water. The frog brought it out again for me. Because he insisted, I promised him he would be my companion. I never thought he would be able to come out of his water!” The frog knocked a second time and cried: “Princess! Youngest princess! Open the door for me! Do you not know what you said to me Yesterday by the cool waters of the well? Princess, youngest princess! Open the door for me!” Then said the king, “That which you have promised, you must perform. Go let him in.” The princess opened the door. The frog hopped in and followed her to her chair. There he sat and cried, “Lift me up beside you!” The princess delayed until the king commanded her to do it. Once the frog was on the chair, he wanted to be on the table. When he was on the table, he said, “Push your little golden plate nearer to me that we may eat together.” She did, but it was easy to see she did not do it willingly. The frog enjoyed what he ate. But almost every mouthful she took choked her. At length the frog said, “I have eaten and am satisfied. Now I am tired. Carry me into your little room and make your little silken bed ready. We will lie down and go to sleep.” The king’s daughter began to cry. She was afraid of the cold frog that was now to sleep in her pretty, clean bed. But the king grew angry. “He who helped you in your trouble should not afterward be despised by you,” he said. So, she took hold of the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs, and put him in a corner. But when she was in bed, he crept up to her. He said, “I am tired and want to sleep as well as you. Lift me up or I will tell your father.” The princess was terribly angry. She threw him with all her might against the wall. “Now will you be quiet, horrid frog,” she said. But when he fell down, he was no frog but a king’s son with kind and beautiful eyes. He told her he had been cursed by a wicked witch. No one could have delivered him but herself. By her father’s will, he was now her dear companion and husband. Tomorrow they would go together into his kingdom. Then they went to sleep. The next morning a carriage came driving up with eight white horses. They had ostrich feathers on their heads and were harnessed with golden chains. Behind stood the young prince’s servant, Faithful Henry. Faithful Henry had been so unhappy when his master was turned into a frog. He had three iron bands laid around his heart. The bands were to keep his heart from bursting with grief and sadness. The carriage was to conduct the king’s son into his kingdom. Faithful Henry helped them both in and placed himself behind. He was full of joy because of this deliverance. When they had driven a part of the way, the prince heard a cracking behind him. He turned round and cried, “Henry, the carriage is breaking.” “No, master, it is not the carriage. It is the band from my heart. It was put there in my great pain when you were a frog and imprisoned in the well.” Again and once again something cracked. Each time the prince thought the carriage was breaking. But it was only the bands springing from the heart of the Faithful Henry because his master was set free and happy.
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