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藍光電影碟 BD25 自由墜落 2014
該商品所屬分類:影視 -> 愛情 喜劇 劇情 傳記
【介質】 book
【本期贈品】①優質無紡布環保袋,做工棒!②品牌簽字筆 ③品牌手帕紙巾

4K影碟播放提示:必須支持4K UHD的機器+4K電視(或投影)+HDMI 2.0a 以上的線材。普通藍光(PS4 PRO等)設備不能播放,請勿嘗試。市面上所謂的4K藍光機很多,但很多都是假4K,隻是2K提升4K畫質的垃圾!

(目前所知能播放的機器:Sony X780、X800,OPPO 203、205,Xbox oneX、oneS,松下UB繫列,LG UP970)


◎片名  Free Fall 

◎譯名  自由墜落

◎年代  2014 

◎國家  美國 

◎電影類型  劇情 / 動作 / 驚悚 

◎語言  英語 

◎片長  90分鐘 





  When the sudden and shocking death of a coworker sends everyone reeling at Gault Capital, JANE, uncovers a very dangerous secret. Her boss, charismatic billionaire Thaddeus Gault, is suspected of massive financial fraud. An assassin, FRANK, is dispatched to silence her forever. Jane‘s flight from the office is forestalled when her pursuer shuts down her elevator. Now, trapped and alone, Jane must find a way to escape her steel cage before the killer reaches her. This brooding and relentless thriller plunges our heroine, Jane, into a free fall of betrayal and terror. To survive Jane must find the inner strength and courage to defeat the powers that hold her and her dreams captive by fear.

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