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作  者:朱懿婷 著
定  價:39.8
出 版 社:中國紡織工業出版社
頁  數:363
裝  幀:平裝
●第一階段:Day 01~07
Step 1
01.什麼是英語語法? 014
02.一般現在時vs.一般過去時 021
03.將來時 026
04.現在進行時vs.過去進行時vs.將來進行時 032
05.現在完成時vs.過去完成時vs.將來完成時 039
06.完成進行時(現在vs.過去vs.將來) 046
Step 2
07.形容詞(含比較級&優選) 052
08.副詞(含比較級&優選) 060
09.動詞短語(不可分離vs.可分離) 065
10.繫動詞vs.感官動詞 070
11.動名詞與不定式 075
12.連詞 084
13.介詞 088
14.短語 095
15.虛擬語氣 101
16.被動語態 106
17.附加問句 112
18.關繫代名詞 ..117
19.從句(名詞從句、形容詞從句、副詞從句……) 123
20.倒裝句 127
第二階段:Day 08~22
Level 1
01.那裡有時髦的女孩! .136
There is a modern girl.
句型01 There be (not)...
There is enough food for all of us.
延伸 There is (not)...+enough (+...)+ to do...
02.要不要喝點水啊? 140
Would you like some water?
句型02 Would you like...?
What about another cup of tea?
延伸 How about / What about...?
03.你花了多長時間從車站走回家? ..143
How long does it take you to walk home from the bus stop?
句型03 How long / soon / often...?
04.他太胖了,所以他不可能追到校花! 146
He is too fat to get the school queen!
句型04 too...+(for sb./ sth.)+to...
He is so sick that he can't go to work today.
延 伸 so...that...
05.今天我們去看《變形金剛3》吧! 150
Let's go to see Transformers 3 today!
句型05 Let's / Let us...
Why not go for a walk after dinner?
延 伸 Why not / Why don't we...?
06.不是所有人都想要費德勒贏,好嗎? 154
Not everybody like you want Federer to win, Ok?
句型06 Not everybody / both / all / every...
07.難怪你上課時總是想睡覺! 158
It is no wonder (that) you always feel sleepy in class.
句型07 (It is) no wonder (that)...
08.完成這個專案得花上七個工作日呢! 161
It will take 7 working days to finish the project!
句型08 It takes (sb.)+some time+to do sth.
09.你覺得《哈利?波特》的結局怎麼樣? 164
What do you think of/about the ending of Harry Potter?
句型09 What do you think of / about...?
10.我媽叫我下課後就馬上回家。 167
My mother asks me to go home as soon as the class is over.
句型10 ...as soon as...
Level 2
11.除非你跟我們一起去,否則我是不會跟你哥去看電影的。 171
I won't go to the movie with your brother unless you go with us.
句型11 unless...
I won't leave here until you give me the money.
延伸 until …
12.蘋果公司不知道 iPad 2 會不會是暢銷產品。 175
APPLE doesn't know whether iPad 2 will hit or not.
句型12 whether...or...
Does anyone know if he will come today?
延伸 if...
13.你不一起去嗎? 179
Don't you want to come alone?
句型13 Isn't (Don't / Can't / Won't...)+sb....?
It's a beautiful place, isn't it?
延伸 附加問句
14.多美的一個包啊! 182
How beautiful this bag is!
句型4 What / How...!
She is such a beautiful woman.
延伸 such a / an...
15.你介意讓我先上廁所嗎? ....186
Do you mind if I use the toilet first?
句型15 Do / Would you mind...?
16.這場比賽不隻令人屏息還令人非常難忘! 189
This game is not only breath-taking but also unforgettable.
句型16 not only...but also...
17.了解世界趨勢對於學生來說相當重要。 192
It's also important for students to know the current trend of the world.
句型17 It+adj+of / for sb.+to do...
Learning English is an important thing for us to do.
延伸 V-ing+is+adj...
18.納達爾不認為這次發球出界了。 196
Nadal doesn't think that this serve is outside.
句型18 Sb.do / does not think / suppose / believe that...
19.該是時候讓貝拉來決定她未來的職業了。 199
It's time for Bella to decide her career.
句型19 It's time (for sb.) to do sth....
It is time (that) we had classes.
延伸 It's (high / about) time that...
20.李娜是如此的努力以至於他可以贏得法網冠軍。 203
Lina works so hard that she could win the first prize in French Open Tennis Championship.
句型20 so that...
Level 3
21.起床,否則你開學第一天就要遲到了! .207
Get up, or you will be late on the first day to school.
句型21 or / otherwise...
22.你每天水喝得越多,你就會越健康。 210
The more water you drink every day, the healthier you will be.
句型22 the +比較級,the +比較級
23.我恐怕無法去看Lady Gaga的北京演唱會了。 213
I'm afraid I can't go to Lady Gaga's concert in Beijing.
句型23 I'm afraid (that)...
24.羅傑?費德勒就是那個打破多項世界網球紀錄的人。 216
It is Roger Federer who broke many world records of tennis.
句型24 It is / was...that / who...
25.這很明顯是裁判誤判了。 219
It is obvious that the judge made a mistake.
句型25 It is obvious / clear that...
It seems (that) he was late for the train.
延伸 It seems / seemed that / as if...It is said that the food in this supermarket is cheaper.
延伸 It is / was said (reported / hoped) that...
26.這部電影實在太精彩了,所以大家都在討論它。 223
This is such a good movie that everyone is talking about it.
句型26 so / such...that...
27.你優選趁夏天來之前開始減肥。 226
You'd better begin to lose weight before summer comes.
句型27 You'd better (not)...
You are supposed to support your parents.
延伸 be (not) supposed to...
28.就算要排隊等一個小時我也要買到這家店的甜甜圈。 230
Even though I have to wait for an hour, I still want to buy donuts from this shop.
句型28 Even though/if
29.我媽要我打掃房間。 233
My mother had me clean the room.
句型29 have+sb....
30.不管發生什麼事,我都一定會支持我的家人。 236
No matter what happens, I will support my family.
句型30 no matter+疑問詞...
第三階段:Day 23~30
Trap 1
01.ago vs.before .240
02.any vs.some ....243
03.asleep vs.sleepy .247
04.bring vs.take vs.carry ..250
05.hope vs.wish ...253
06.everyday vs.every day .256
07.fit vs.suit .....259
08.hear vs.listen to ..262
09.speak vs.say vs.talk vs.tell   265
10.spend vs.cost .269
11.travel vs.trip ...272
12.wait vs.expect .....275
13.worth vs.worthy ..278
14.occur vs.happen vs.take place   281
15.can vs may vs.might 284
16.maybe vs.may be 287
17.during vs.while vs.when 290
18.prefer vs.rather 293
Trap 2
01.think的用法 296
02.time的用法 299
03.help的用法 302
04.hurt 的用法 305
05.mind的用法 308
06.welcome的用法 312
Trap 3
01.動詞+動名詞vs.動詞+不定式 315
02.一般過去時vs.過去完成時 319
03.否定疑問句的回答 322
04.形容詞的詞序問題 325
05.間接問句的用法 328
Trap 4
01.have been to vs.have gone to 331
02.neither...nor vs.either...or 334
03.other vs.the other vs.another 337
04.shameful vs.ashamed 340
05.sometime vs.sometimes vs.some time vs.some times  343
06.one的指示代詞 346
07.so vs.such 349
08.what vs.which 352
09.whether vs.if 355
10.could vs.would 358
11.than在比較句型中的用法 361
《英語語法超圖解》由朱懿婷編著。 《英語語法超圖解》是第一本以全世界高材生都在使用的“思維導圖(Mind Map)”來學習最冗長又最推薦的英語語法,思維導圖法除了達到刺激大腦記憶的效果,更能輔助讀者快速掌握學習大綱以及快速“復習”兩大學習重點。用最科學的方法來學習,有效降低挫折感,讓學習變得更簡單、容易持續!

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