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【作者】 袁蓉蓀 
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作  者:袁蓉蓀 著 龍倩 譯
定  價:268
出 版 社:五洲傳播出版社
頁  數:296
裝  幀:盒函裝
Stepping into the Long History of the Grottoes for Buddhist Sculptures_10
Grotto Art,the History Carved on Rocks_001
Chapter I
Sixteen States of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420):Introduction of Buddhist Scriptures from the West
1 Subhash Buddhist Temple_017
2 Kizil Thousand-Buddha Grottoes_019
3 Grottoes on Mount Wenshu_020
4 Grottoes in Mati Temple_024
5 Grottoes in Jinta Temple_026
Chapter II
The Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589):Integration with Traditional Chinese Style
6 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang_032
7 Bingling Temple Grottoes_038
8 Yungang Grottoes_040
9 Grottoes on Mount Yangtou_044
10 Dafo Temple in nchang_046
11 Wanfotang Grottoes_049
12 Gongxian Grottoes_050
13 North Grotto Temple in Qingyang_052
14 Grottoes in Shigong Temple_055
15 Grottoes in Shima Temple_056
16 Grottoes on Mount Tianlong_059
17 Grottoes in Kaihe Temple_060
18 Grottoes on North Mount angtang_062
19 Grottoes on South Mount angtang_064
20 Thousand-Buddha Cliff of Mount Qixia_066
21 Western Thousand-Buddha Grottoes_068
22 Lashao Temple and Thousand-Buddha Grottoes_070
23 Grottoes on Mount Xumi_072
24 Grottoes in Longwo Temple_076
Chapter III
The Sui and Tang Dynasties (581-907):the Flourishing of Buddhism
25 Maiji Mountain Grottoes_082
26 Grottoes on Mount Tuoshan in Qingzhou_085
27 Lingquan Temple Rock Carvings_088
28 kan Grottoes of Bazhong_091
29 Grottoes in Huangze Temple_092
30 Thousand-Buddha Cliff in Guangyuan_094
31 Grottoes on Mount Tianti_097
32 Thousand-Buddha Cliff in Zitong_098
33 Longmen Grottoes_100
34 Shikong Buddha Temple_104
35 Charalupu Grotto_106
36 Kunfo (Sleeping Buddha) Temple Grottoes_108
37 Buddha Bay in Yibin_112
38 Leshan Giant Buddha_114
39 Buddha Temple in Langzhong_117
40 Buddha on Mount Banyue_119
41 Giant Buddha Temple of Rongxian County_120
42 Suspended Sculpture of Reclining Buddha at Diaoyu Fortress_122
43 Reclining Buddha Temple in Anyue_124
44 Grottoes of Feixian Pavilion_128
45 Shengshui Temple in Neijiang_130
46 Donglin Temple in Neijiang_133
47 Rock Carvings on Jianshanzi in Dazu County_134
48 Grottoes on Yaoshi (Pharmacist) of Mount Feifeng_135
49 Grottoes on Mount Jinhua_137
50 Cliff Sculptures of Achi Temple_138
51 Grottoes of Shuining Temple_140
52 Grottoes on Mount Zhonglong_143
53 Grottoes on Mount anglong_145
54 Dujiawan Grottoes_146
55 Suoluobian Cliff Sculptures_149
56 Thousand-Buddha Cliff of Wuqiao_150
57 Niujiaozhai Grottoes_152
58 Sharencao Cliff Sculptures_155
59 Grottoes in Chongxiang Temple_156
60 Grottoes of Mount Kandeng_158
61 Liu Grottoes in Danling_160
62 Zhengshan Grottoes_164
63 Ancient Buddha Temple in Rongxian County_166
64 Tianluoshi Grottoes in Longquan_168
65 Thousand-Buddha Cliff in Jiajiang County_170
66 Grottoes on Mount Taipeng_172
67 Grottoes on Mount Shibao in Jianchuan County_174
68 shan Cliff Sculptures in Guilin_176
69 Cliff Sculptures of Huanzhu Cave_179
70 Grottoes in Niuxian Temple_180
71 Shaxi Grottoes_183
72 Yulin Grottoes in Guazhou County_184
73 Bodhisattva Stone in Zigong_187
74 Thousand-Buddha Temple in Chongkan Town_188
75 Tongtianyan Grottoes_190
Chapter IV
The Five Dynasties (907-960) and the Song Dynasty (960-1279):Final Excellence in the Most Flourishing Period
76 Grottoes of Lingyou Temple_197
77 Sculptures in Quanzhou_198
78 Grottoes of Donggar and Piyang_202
79 Sculpture Complex of Sleeping Buddha on the Cliff in Tangxian County_205
80 Cliff Sculptures at Erfo Temple_207
81 Grottoes on Mount Zhongshan_208
82 Grottoes of ti Temple_211
83 Cliff Sculptures of Mingshan Temple_212
84 Peacock Cave Grotto_216
85 Grottoes on Diecai Hill_219
86 Ten-Thousand-Buddha Grottoes in Mizhi County_221
87 Grotto for Three Saints of Hua-yan in Anyue_222
88 Grottoes in Thousand-Buddha Stockade_229
89 Vairocana Cave_230
90 Yuanjue Cave_235
91 Grotto in Wan’an Temple_237
92 Ten-thousand-Buddha Cave Grottoes in Yan’an_238
93 Yanfu Temple Rock Carvings_240
94 Rock Carvings on Mount Beishan in Dazu County_242
95 Rock Carvings on Mount Baoding in Dazu County_246
96 Rock Carvings on Mount Shimen in Dazu County_248
97 Tongnan Giant Buddha_252
98 Cliff Sculptures on Stone Buddha Rock_254
Chapter V
The Yuan (1271-1368) and the Qing Dynasties (1636-1911):Decline of Buddhist Grotto Art
99 Grottoes on Feilai Peak in Lingyin Temple_261
100 Danzishi Grottoes_263
101 Thousand-Buddha Cliff in Dazu_264
102 Sculptures of Stone Buddha Temple_265
103 Cliff Sculptures at Gouwang Stockade_266
104 Sanxian Cave_269
105 Cliff Sculptures on Mount Yuchan_271
106 Giant Buddha Mount on Baxian_273
Chapter VI
The Republic of China (1912-1949) to This Day:Revival of Buddhis Grotto
107 Reclining Buddha on Mount Malong_279
108 Giant Buddha on Mount Lingyun_280

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