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  • 出版社:經濟科學
  • ISBN:9787514199505
  • 作者:編者:王松//顧曉樂
  • 頁數:204
  • 出版日期:2018-11-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-11-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:333千字
  • Unit 1 Self-introduction
    Part A Academic input
    1. Why is it important to make a self-introduction?
    2. How to make an impressive self-introduction?
    3. What components are included in a self-introduction?
    4. Additional topics to include in a self-introduction
    5. Academic bio: narrating your professional life
    6. Additional situations to make a self-introduction
    Part B Presentation skills
    1. What is etiquette?
    2. What is included in social etiquette?
    3. Why is etiquette important?
    4. Some do's and don'ts in understanding western social etiquette
    5. More about shaking hands
    Unit 2 Conference circuit
    Part A Academic input
    1. Experiences of attending academic conferences
    2. Reasons for attending an academic conference
    3. Choosing a conference
    4. How to attend a conference?
    5. Social networking at academic conferences
    Part B Presentation skills
    1. English for small talk and socializing
    2. Cultural knowledge
    Unit 3 Preparation for a presentation
    Part A Academic input
    1. Oral style vs. written style
    2. Structure of a presentation
    Part B Presentation skills
    1. Signposting and possible language
    2. Examples of signposts
    Unit 4 Delivery of a presentation
    Part A Academic input
    1. How to design and use visual aids?
    2. How to control non-verbal cues?
    3. How to handle your nervousness?
    4. How can you keep the audience's attention?
    Part B Presentation skills
    1. Transitioning and possible languages
    2. Three common mistakes made when using transitions
    3. Do's and don'ts when using transitions
    Unit 5 Poster presentation
    Part A Academic input
    1. What is a poster presentation?
    2. What are the purposes of a poster presentation.9
    3. What are the advantages of a poster presentation?
    4. What is included in a poster presentation?
    5. How to prepare a poster presentation?
    6. Some kinds of software for making a poster
    Part B Presentation skills
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