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  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508532097
  • 作者:步平//王希亮|譯者:譯谷
  • 頁數:453
  • 出版日期:2015-08-01
  • 印刷日期:2015-08-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:400千字
  • 日本右翼,泛指日本社會中民族主義色彩更加濃
  • Preface
    (Ⅰ) StarLing from my experience of unexpected encounter with the right-wing
    (Ⅱ) The right-wing groups and right-wing trends of thought in Japan
    (Ⅲ) About the concept "right-wing" in Japan
    (Ⅳ) The relationship of right-wing movements with state power in Japan before the war
    (Ⅴ) The influence of right-wing in Japan before the war
    (Ⅵ) The worldwide problem of right-wing
    Part Ⅰ :The Right-Wing in Japan Before World War Ⅱ
    Ⅰ.Generation of Right-Wing Ideology and Right-Wing Movement
    (Ⅰ) Statism and nationalism - the origin of right-wing ideology
    (Ⅱ) The right-wing movement in early period
    (Ⅲ) The basic features of kokusuiism-oriented "concept right-wing"
    Ⅱ.National Renovation Movement and Evolution of Right-Wing Movements in Early 20th Century
    (Ⅰ) Polarization of right-wing in the national renovation movement
    (Ⅱ) The right-wing ideology of Kita Ikki and Okawa Shumei
    (Ⅲ) Right-wing ideology among ordinary people in early 20t" century
    (Ⅳ) Features of right-wing movements and ideological trend in Japan in the early 20th century
    Ⅲ.The Fascist Right-Wing in the Army Bringing Japan onto the Road of War
    (Ⅰ) Background of active right-wing in the army
    (Ⅱ) Activities of young servicemen and right-wing groups
    (Ⅲ) Right-wing servicemen and aggressive war
    (Ⅳ) Features of right-wing from later Taisho period to early Showa period
    (Ⅴ) Right-wing groups in the war system
    Part Ⅱ :The Right-Win8 in Japan after World War Ⅱ
    Ⅳ.Right-Wing Force When Japan was Occupied
    (Ⅰ) Confrontation and countermeasures of the die-hard right-wing force
    (Ⅱ) Order of dissolving the right-wing groups
    (Ⅲ) The tolerance of and indulgence with the right-wing force in Tokyo Trial
    (Ⅳ) Ishihara Kanji's "Proposal" to MacArthur
    (Ⅴ) Rise of ultra-nationalist groups
    Ⅴ.Treaty of San Francisco and Revival of the Right-Wing
    (Ⅰ) Reverse flow of democratization of Japan
    (Ⅱ) Lenient Treaty of San Francisco for making one-sided peace
    (Ⅲ) Revival of the old right-wing groups and their characteristics
    (Ⅳ) Social activities after the revival of the right-wing forces
    Ⅵ.Kishi Nobusuke Cabinet's Reactionary Politics and Upsurge of Right-Wing Movements
    (Ⅰ) Retroaction of Kishi Nobusuke cabinet and its relation with right-wing forces
    (Ⅱ) Establishment of the new security system and right-wing promotion movements
    (Ⅲ) Aftermath of Miike dispute and security struggle and counterattack of the right-wing forces
    Ⅶ.Debut of New Right-Wing Forces and "Nationalist Movement"
    (Ⅰ) New right-wing student groups and their political outlook of ultra nationalism
    (Ⅱ) Mishima Yukio Incident
    (Ⅲ) Development of "Nationalist School Movement" and its Characteristics
    Ⅷ."Showa Restoration Movement" of the Right-Wing in the 1970s
    (Ⅰ) Situation of the right-wing groups before the "Crisis in 1970"
    (Ⅱ) "Showa Restoration Movement"
    (Ⅲ) Financial problems of the right-wing groups
    Ⅸ.Right-Wing in the Neo-conservative Era
    (Ⅰ) Political right deviation of the Liberal Democratic Party
    (Ⅱ) New trends of the right-wing movements in neo-conservative era
    (Ⅲ) New right wing and extremist terrorist activities
    (Ⅳ) Active right wing at the 50th anniversary of Japan's surrender
    Ⅹ.Formation of the Right-Wing in the Cultural, Educational and Intellectual Circles and Their Activeness
    (Ⅰ) Formation of the right wing in the cultural, educational and intellectual circles and their theoretical ideas
    (Ⅱ) The third attack against textbooks
    (Ⅲ) The senior officials of the government, the Diet and the ruling party,powerful figures and the right-wing groups cooperate to promote the historical revisionist movement
    (Ⅳ) The issue of textbook is not over
    Conclusion: About Right-Wing After World War Ⅱ
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