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  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513551519
  • 作者:唐永華|主編:鄭樹棠//周國強
  • 頁數:193
  • 出版日期:2015-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2015-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:3
  • 印次:1
  • 新視野英語教程(附光盤4讀寫教程第3版十二五職業教育**規劃教材)

  • <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;唐永華、鄭樹棠、周國強編著的《新視野英語教 程(附光盤4讀寫教程第3版十二五職業教育國家規劃 教材)》(第三版)是“十二五”職業教育國家規劃教 材。這套教材 依據高等職業教育發展的新形勢和英語課程教學改革 的新要求,充分考慮新時期學 生的性格特點、學習習慣和院校的教學現狀與需求, 在延續了第二版優勢的同時, 更加注重選材的時代感和趣味性、練習的針對性和多 樣性,以及教學的可行性和方 便性。 &nbsp; &nbsp;《新視野英語教程》(第三版)由兩條主線(《讀 寫教程》和《聽說教程》)、 五種載體(課本、學習光盤、教學課件、網絡課程、 音帶)和五個級別(預備級和 1—4級)構成,為高職高專英語課程提供教、評、測 為一體的立體化服務。</p>
  • <p>Unit 1 Career Development
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Room for the Future
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: What&#39;s Your Job, Daddy?
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Ads for a Product
    Unit 2 Love
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Hungry for Your Love
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: A Trucker&#39;s Last Letter
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Classified Ads
    Unit 3 Job Application Letter and Resume
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Writing Job Application Letters
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: How to Write a Resume
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Application Letters
    Unit 4 Disaster
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: When Lightning Struck
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B-The Story of an Eyewitness
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing a Resume
    Unit 5 Loving Books
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;SeCtion A
    &nbsp;Text A: Are Books an Endangered Species?
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: Owning Books
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Instructions for a Product
    Unit 6 Stress
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Pressured and Stressed Students
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: How to Control Workplace Stress
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Instructions for a Service
    Unit 7 Home and Family Life
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: An Englishman&#39;s Home Is His Castle
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: Singleness Is Not the Same as &quot;Not Settled&quot;
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing a Contract
    Unit 8 Language Use
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Losing an Accent to Achieve Success
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: Use Proper Body Language
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing an Agreement
    Unit 9 Happiness
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Genes and Emotions
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: My Road to Happiness
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Revision (1)
    Unit 10 Human Health
    &nbsp;Leading In and Exploring the Topic
    &nbsp;Section A
    &nbsp;Text A: Healthy World, Healthy People .
    &nbsp;Section B
    &nbsp;Text B: Addiction Around the World
    &nbsp;Section C
    &nbsp;Practical Writing: Revision (2)
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