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  • 出版社:大像
  • ISBN:9787534765841
  • 作者:編者:楊欣欣//陳靜
  • 頁數:315
  • 出版日期:2011-08-01
  • 印刷日期:2016-08-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:2
  • 字數:454千字
  • 楊欣欣、陳靜主編的《大學英語閱讀欣賞(高等
  • Part One Stories
    1. Tell Mommy... I Love Her...
    2. The Magical Coat
    3. Not Only a Race
    4. The Boy under the Tree
    5. A Life Parable
    6. What Courage Looks Like
    7. The Bus Passenger
    8. The Kiss
    9. The Law of Life
    10. Written in the Stars
    Part Two Biographies
    1. About the Fields--Maradona
    2. An Impressionist--Vincent Van Gogh
    3. Anecdotes of Albert Einstein
    4. King of Automobiles--Henry Ford
    5. Mother of Modern Dance--]sadora Duncan
    6. The Inspiring Success Story of Michael Dell
    7. The Life for Equality--Martin Luther King
    8. The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling
    9. The Unforgettable Doc Edgerton
    10. Winston Churchill: His Other Life
    Part Three Speeches
    1. The Inaugural Address
    2. The Four Marks of Leadership
    3. Curiosity, Independence, and Public Service
    4. Change Has Come to America
    5. Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish
    6. Remarks on Commemoration of 9·11 Attacks
    7. Commencement Address at Harvard University
    8. What Makes a Champion
    9. The Fringe Benefits of Failure,and the Importance of
    Part Four Poetry
    1. Dreams
    2. If
    3. The Road Not Taken
    4. Love and Friendship
    5. Jenny Kissed Me
    6. When We Two Parted
    7. Down by the Salley Gardens
    8. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
    9. Fog
    10. A Grain of Sand
    Part Five Proses
    1. Youth
    2. Of Studies
    3. On Love
    4. What I Have Lived For
    5. First Snow
    6. Glories of the Storm
    7. Spell of the Rising Moon
    8. Have You Seen the Tree?
    9. A Small and Sweet Memory
    10. Three Days to See
    Part Six Selected Readings of Fiction
    1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Excerpt from
    Chapter V)
    2. Little Women (Excerpt from Chapter II)
    3. Pride and Prejudice (Chapter I)
    4. The Call of the Wild (Excerpt from Chapter II)
    5. Oliver Twist (Excerpt from Chapter II)
    6. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Excerpt from
    Chapter X)
    7. Sons and Lovers (Excerpt from Chapter X)
    8. The Scarlet Letter (Excerpt from Chapter XXIII)
    9. The Mark on the Wall (Excerpt)
    10. Beloved (Excerpt from Part I)
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