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  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:7560021492
  • 作者:(英)雷德曼著
  • 頁數:266
  • 出版日期:2001-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2006-12-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:9
  • 《英語在用》是一套全面、實用的語法和詞彙參考書是幾乎所有英語學習者的夢想。本叢書是世界上*暢銷的英語語法與詞彙學習參考書,迄今讀者已逾千萬,被譽為“英語學習者的‘聖經’”。它專為非英語**英語學習者編寫,在結構上,條理明晰,形式簡約順達;在內容上,解析重點與難點,透徹生動,同時反復練習,鞏固成效。
    《劍橋中級英語詞彙》為該叢書之一,由Stuart Redman編著。
  • Introduction
    1 Learning and revising with this book
    2 Keeping a vocabulary notebook
    3 Using a dictionary
    4 English language words
    5 Problems with pronunciation
    6 Classroom language
    Word formation
    7 Prefixes
    8 Noun suffixes
    9 Adjective suffixes
    10 Zero affixation
    11 Compound nouns
    12 Compound adjectives
    Phrase building
    13 Collocation (word partners)
    14 Verb or adjective + preposition
    15 Preposition + noun
    16 Phrasal verbs: form and meaning
    17 Phrasal verbs: grammar and style
    18 Idioms and fixed expressions
    19 Make, do, have, take
    20 Give, keep, break, catch, see
    21. Get: uses and expressions
    22 Go: uses and expressions
    23 Apologies, excuses and thanks
    24 Requests, invitations and suggestions
    25 Opinions, agreeing and disagreeing
    26 Specific situations and special occasions
    Parts of speech (special problems)
    27 Uncountable nouns and plural nouns
    28 Verbs + -ing form or infinitive
    29 Verb patterns
    30 Adjectives
    31 Prepositions: place
    32 Adverbs: frequency and degree
    33 Time and sequence
    34 Addition and contrast
    35 Similarities, differences and conditions
    36 Reason, purpose and result
    The world around us
    37 The physical world
    38 Weather
    39 Using the land
    4,0 Animals and insects
    41 Countries, nationalities and language
    42 The body and what it does
    43 Describing people's appearance
    44 Describing character
    45 Human feelings and actions
    46 Family and friends
    47 Ages and stages
    Daily life
    48 Daily routines
    49 Homes and buildings
    50 Around the home 1
    51 Around the home 2
    52 Everyday' problems
    53 Money
    54 Health: illness and disease
    55 Health: injuries
    56 Clothes
    57 Shops and shopping
    58 Food
    59 Cooking and restaurants
    60 Town and country
    61 On the road
    62 Transport
    63 Work: duties, conditions and pay
    64 Jobs
    65 The career ladder
    66 In the office and in the factory
    67 Business and finance
    68 Sales and marketing
    Leisure and entertainment
    69 Hobbies
    70 Sport 1: games, people and places
    71 Sport 2: winning, losing and scoring
    72 Cinema and theatre
    73 Music, art and literature
    Communication and technology
    74 Newspapers
    75 Television
    76 On the phone
    77 Computers
    Social concerns
    78 Education: school
    79 Education: university
    80 Law and order
    81 Crime
    82 Politics
    83 Bureaucracy
    84 War and peace
    85 Pollution and the environment
    86 Air travel
    87 Hotels
    88 A sightseeing holiday
    89 On the beach and in the country
    Notional concepts
    90 Time
    91 Numbers
    92 Distance and dimension
    93 Shapes, colours and patterns
    94 Partitives
    95 The senses
    Varieties of English
    96 Notices and warnings
    97 Vague language
    98 American English
    99 Formal and informal English
    100 Abbreviations and abbreviated words
    Answer key
    Phonetic symbols
    Pronunciation problems
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