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  • 出版社:輕工
  • ISBN:9787518416707
  • 作者:編者:李其忠|總主編:嚴世芸//範慧敏|繪畫:羅希賢
  • 頁數:143
  • 出版日期:2018-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-01-01
  • 包裝:精裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:120千字
  • 養生歷史 源遠流長 A Time Honored History
    漸感於心,模而仿之 Observation and imitation
    諸子之說,養生發端 Theories on health cultivation
    歧黃論道,奠定基礎 The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic
    專論專著,始有問世 Books exclusively dedicated to health cultivation
    《千金要方》,養生為先 Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces
    養生著作,大量湧現 Emergence of numerous books on health cultivation
    學術爭鳴,促進發展 Diverse academic ideas on health cultivation
    養生理念,*趨實際 Practical ideas on health cultivation
    繫統總結,側重繼承 Theoretical generalization
    養生風尚,由衰至盛 From decline to flourish
    養生理論 特色鮮明 Characteristic Theories
    天人相應,趨利避害 Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages through man-nature harmony
    天地相參,日月相應 Correspondence between man with the heaven/earth and sun/moon
    形神共養,盡終天年 Keep the body and mind together and live a full span of life
    未病先防,未亂先治 Prevent ailments before it arises and prevent troubles before they occur
    日出而作,日落而息 Get up at sunrise and rest at sunset
    流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 Running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten
    志閑少欲,形勞不倦 Mental and physical relaxation
    養性之道,常欲小勞 Moderate physical activities
    春氣『發陳』,以使志生 The qi of spring boosts the will on life
    孟春回曖,還防餘寒 Protection against cold in Meng Chun
    仲春物榮,衣著『春捂』 Stay warm in Zhong Chun
    季春溫暖,當防『春困』 Prevent the "spring sleepiness" in Ji Chun
    夏氣『蕃秀』,使氣得洩 The qi of summer unblocks the skin pores
    孟夏轉熱,飲食宜忌 Food recommendations in Meng Xia
    仲夏多雨,慎防『疰夏』 Prevent "summer sickness" in Zhong Xia
    季夏入伏,預防『中暑』 Prevent "sun stroke" in Ji Xia
    秋氣『容平』,收斂神氣 The qi of autumn keeps a tranquil mind
    孟秋尚熱,慎防『溫燥』 Prevent "warm dryness" in Meng Qiu
    仲秋轉涼,衣著『秋凍』 Stay coot in Zhong Qiu
    季秋已寒,謹防『涼燥』 Prevent "cool dryness" in Ji Qiu
    鼕氣『閉藏』,使志若伏 The qi of winter stores high aspirations
    孟鼕始寒,適宜進補 Take tonics in Meng Dong
    仲鼕『入九』,祛寒避冷 Avoid exposure to cold in Zhong Dong
    季鼕寒盛,預防凍瘡 Prevention of chilblains in Ji Dong
    養生活動 無處不在 Beneficial Body Mind Exercise
    修德怡神,方能延壽 Virtues and longevity
    移情易性,調攝心志 Emotional adjustment and mental regulation
    恬淡虛無,真氣從之 Quiet peacefulness and absolute emptiness ensures a smooth flow of true qi
    和煦則春,慘郁則秋 Warm like spring, gloomy as autumn
    莫慮莫念,據理應之 Do not worry about the future or dwell on the past
    娛樂怡神,各有所醫 Benefits of recreational activities
    弈棋凝神,靜氣養性 Benefits of playing Go (wei qi)
    鼕不極溫,夏不窮涼 Do not stay too warm in winter and too cool in summer
    寤寐興息,晨起有時 Appropriate time to rise
    養生之訣,睡眠居先 Sleep and health
    腰下常溫,胸上稍涼 Keep the lower body warm and upper body cool
    安身之本,必資於食 Health and food
    食養之要,謹和五味 Balanced diet of five flavors
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