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  • 出版社:人民郵電
  • ISBN:9787115302434
  • 作者:(美)克尼漢//派克
  • 頁數:357
  • 出版日期:2013-02-01
  • 印刷日期:2013-02-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:493千字
  • 《UNIX編程環境(英文版)》由克尼漢、派克所著,本書旨在傳播UNIX編程哲學。因為這種哲學基於程序之間的關繫,所以我們
  • 《UNIX編程環境(英文版)》由克尼漢、派克所著,本書繫UINX編程 領域內的經典暢銷書。作者本著“授之以漁”的態度,不僅向讀者介紹了 UNIX繫統編程的基本技巧及編程規範,更是將UNIX的編程哲學融入其中, 以幫助讀者更加深刻地理解UNIX繫統。《UNIX編程環境(英文版)》的主 要內容包括UNIX繫統基本操作、文件繫統、Shell編程、過濾器、標準I/O 庫編程、繫統調用、程序開發工具、文檔準備工具等。 《UNIX編程環境(英文版)》適合UNIX繫統的初學者以及UNIX繫統編 程的愛好者閱讀。
  • 1. UNIX for Beginners
    1.1 Getting started
    1.2 Day-to-day use: files and common commands
    1.3 More about files: directories
    1.4 The shell
    1.5 The rest of the UNIX system
    2. The File System
    2.1 The basics of files
    2.2 What's in a file?
    2.3 Directories and filenames
    2.4 Permissions
    2.5 Inodes
    2.6 The directory hierarchy
    2.7 Devices
    3. Using the Shell
    3.1 Command line structure
    3.2 Metacharacters
    3.3 Creating new commands
    3.4 Command arguments and parameters
    3.5 Program output as arguments
    3.6 Shell variables
    3.7 More on I/O redirection
    3.8 Looping in shell programs
    3.9 bundle: putting it all together
    3.10 Why a programmable shell?
    4. Filters
    4.1 The grep family
    4.2 Other filters
    4.3 The stream editor sed
    4.4 The awk pattern scanning and processing language
    4.5 Good files and good filters
    5. Shell Programming
    5.1 Customizing the cal command
    5.2 Which command is which?
    5.3 while and until loops: watching for things
    5.4 Traps: catching interrupts
    5.5 Replacing a file: overwrite
    5.6 zap: killing processes by name
    5.7 The pick command: blanks vs. arguments
    5.8 The news command: community service messages
    5.9 get and put: tracking file changes
    5.10 A look back
    6. Programming with Standard I/O
    6.1 Standard input and output: vis
    6.2 Program arguments: vis version 2
    6.3 File access: vis version 3
    6.4 A screen-at-a-time printer: p
    6.5 An example: pick
    6.6 On bugs and debugging
    6.7 An example: zap
    6.8 An interactive file comparison program: idiff
    6.9 Accessing the environment
    7. UNIX System Calls
    7.1 Low-level I/O
    7.2 File system: directories
    7.3 File system: inodes
    7.4 Processes
    7.5 Signals and interrupts
    8. Program Development
    8.1 Stage 1: A four-function calculator
    8.2 Stage 2: Variables and error recovery
    8.3 Stage 3: Arbitrary variable names; built-in functions
    8.4 Stage 4: Compilation into a machine
    8.5 Stage 5: Control flow and relational operators
    8.6 Stage 6: Functions and procedures; input/output
    8.7 Performance evaluation
    8.8 A look back
    9. Document Preparation
    9.1 The ms macro package
    9.2 The troff level
    9.3 The tbl and eqn preprocessors
    9.4 The manual page
    9.5 Other document preparation tools
    10. Epilog
    Appendix 1: Editor Summary
    Appendix 2: hoc Manual
    Appendix 3: hoc Listing
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