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  • 出版社:人民交通
  • ISBN:9787114139567
  • 作者:編者:張建民//(日)菊池喜昭
  • 頁數:467
  • 出版日期:2018-03-01
  • 印刷日期:2018-03-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:715千字
  • Investigate the detection rate of defects in concrete fining using infrared-thermography method
    The mechanisms of non-coaxial deformation for anisotropic sand under fixed principal stress axes shearing
    Numerical simulation of landslide-dam using a 3D DDA and SPH coupled solid-fluid simulation technique
    Centrifuge modeling of geotextile-reinforced slope under water level change and vertical loading
    Using pipejacking parameters and spoil characteristics for soil eharacterisation
    Numerical study on the effect of pre-ground improvement method on control of ground subsidence occurring
    in shallow overburden NATM tunnels
    Impacts of presence of heavy metal contamination on chemical compatibility of CMC-treated bentonite
    Numerical modeling for the settlement of pavement under impact loading
    Measurement of critical tractive force of glass beads subjected to upward seepage flow
    Accuracy verification of non-destructive testing method for estimating degree of compaction on embankment slope
    Research on the seismic behavior of metro station crossed by flyover
    Settlement behavior of piled-raft foundation subjected to cyclic train loading
    A study on weight analysis of physical properties of loess influencing its shear strength
    Field test for development of spiral bladed drain pipe reinforcement method
    Study on construction stability of subway foundation pit considering nonlinear contact
    Tunneling effect on pipelines based on Winlder model
    Triple-shear unified solution to passive earth pressure for unsaturated soils
    Interface friction between soft clay and construction material considering the correlation between surface
    roughness and soil particle size
    A three-dimensional experimental study on mechanical behavior of inter-particle bond with different radius
    Change of states during repeated freeze-thaw cycles in clay
    Mechanical characteristics of clayey soil mixed with steelmaking slag under different types of pore water
    Three-dimensional measurement of displacement field in sand specimens under triaxial compression
    Research of the moisture migration in sand affected by initial water content
    A hardening/softening elasto-plastic constitutive model for soils
    Velocity features of shear wave in sand in liquefying progress under cyclic tri-axial
    test with bender elements
    The mechanical properties of glass fiber-reinforced soil
    A novel approach to developing a 3d fractional order critical state elastoplastic model for clay
    Application of underwater vacuum preloading technology for soft soil ground improvement in intertidal zones
    Extended uh model for sands
    In-site test and numeric analysis on the long-term settlement of the soft clay foundation
    Experimental and numerical analysis of a 4x4 pile group in liquefiable ground
    Shear stress constitutive model and its parameter calibration
    Development of Pot-cover Effect indoor test equipment
    Triaxial tests of unsaturated loess and its strength characteristics
    Field test study on Pot-cover Effect of filled soils
    Flood risk assessment in metro system using IAHP incorporated into GIS: a case study in Guangzhou Metro
    Numerical study on borehole stability by a coupled elasto-plastic damage model.
    Time-dependent arsenic sorption of soil amended with calcium-magnesium composite powder as a sorption layer
    Effective method to increase ground stiffness and bearing capacity in 2D and 3D flat foundations
    Water diversion in shallow land waste repository constructed using capillary barrier of soil
    Inclined model experiment on performance of reinforced soil wall with leakage of backfill material
    Long-term strength property of cement and lime treated soils under different curing conditions
    Prediction of landslide dam longevity based on statistical data
    Soil pressure analysis of independent slip boulder
    Influence of anchorage angle on the stability of bolt stabilized flysch layered slope with different dip
    angles of bedding planes
    Prediction of disc cutter failure in shield tunnelling in mixed-face ground condition
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