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  • 出版社:中南大學
  • ISBN:9787548707806
  • 作者:趙恆勤//胡四春//趙寶金//馮安生
  • 頁數:212
  • 出版日期:2013-05-01
  • 印刷日期:2013-05-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:273千字
  • 《難利用含鋁資源可利用性研究(英文版)》由趙恆勤、胡四春、趙寶金、馮安生所著。
    The results showed: 1 ) Medium temperature metallization roasting and then magnetic separation, and gas reduction metallization roasting and then magnetic separation are effective for processing the high iron diasporic bauxite; 2) Dry magnetic separation, wet magnetic separationoand medium temperature magnetization roasting and then magnetic separation are not effective for processing the highiron diasporic bauxite; 3 ) Digestion at atmospheric conditions and high caustic alkali concentration is effective for processing the low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite; 4) Desulfurization flotation and desulfurization with barium aluminate are both effective for processing the high sulfur bauxite. However, each of these methods has their own advantages and disadvantages and must he evaluated; 5 ) The soda-lime sintering process is suitable for processing the Linzhou potassic sandy shale.
  • 1 Introduction
    1.1 Status and investigation of aluminium resources, alumina and aluminium
    1.1.1 Status of aluminium resources, alumina and aluminium in the world
    1.1.2 Status of aluminium resources, alumina and aluminium in China
    1.1.3 Summary
    1.2 Background of China's sub-economic aluminium resources
    1.2.1 Introduction
    1.2.2 High iron diasporie, low A/S, and high iron gibbsite bauxites
    1.2.3 High sulfur bauxite
    1.2.4 Potassic sandy shale
    1.3 Questions, research objectives and main research contents
    1.4 Significance of this study
    1.5 Sponsorship
    1.6 Major innovations
    1.7 Assay, rock and mineral identification and citation explanation
    1.8 Outline of this mork
    2 Investigation of China's aluminium resources
    2.1 Status of Shanxi aluminium resources
    2.1.1 General status of aluminium resources in Shanxi Province
    2.1.2 Status of development of aluminium resources in Shanxi Province
    2.1.3 Status of sub-economic aluminium resources in Shanxi Province
    2.2 Status of aluminium resources in Henan Province
    2.2.1 General status of aluminium resources in Henan Province
    2.2.2 Status of development of aluminium resources in Henan Province
    2.2.3 Status of sub-economic aluminium resources in Henan Province
    2.3 Status of aluminium resources in Guangxi Province
    2.3.1 General status of aluminium resources in Guangxi Province
    2.3.2 Status of development of aluminium resources in Guangxi Province
    2.3.3 Status of sub-economic aluminium resources in Guangxi Province
    2.4 Status of aluminium resources in Guizhou Province
    2.4.1 General status of aluminium resources in Guizhou Province
    2.4.2 Status of development of aluminium resources of Guizhou Province
    2.4.3 Status of sub-economic aluminium resources in Guizhou Province
    3 Laboratory tests on the high iron diasporic bauxite
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Sample preparation and sampling
    3.3 Mineral and geochemical compositions
    3.3.1 Major mineral compositions
    3.3.2 Texture of the major minerals
    3.3.3 Iron and titanium elements occurrences
    3.3.4 Short summary
    3.4 Chemical and mineral composition analysis, XRD analysis, infrared spectrum analysis
    3.4.1 Chemical and mineral composition analysis
    3.4.2 XRD analysis
    3.4.3 Infrared spectrum analysis
    3.5 Approach for laboratory tests
    3.6 Laboratory tests
    3.6.1 Dry high intensity magnetic separation
    3.6.2 Wet high intensity magnetic separation
    3.6.3 Medium temperature magnetization roasting and then magnetic separation experiments
    3.6.4 Medium temperature metallization masting and then magnetic separation experiments
    3.6.5 Gas reduction metallization roasting and then magnetic separation experiments
    3.7 Conclusions of laboratory tests of high iron diasporic bauxite
    4 Laboratory tests of the low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Bauxite in Fujian Province
    4.2.1 Sample preparation and sampling
    4.2.2 Chemical and mineral composition analysis, XRD analysis, infrared spectrum analysis
    4.2.3 Major experimental equipments and reagents
    4.2.4 Digestion experiments
    4.2.5 Summary of Fujian low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite
    4.3 Bauxite in Guangxi Province
    4.3.1 Sample preparation and sampling
    4.3.2 Rock and mineral identification
    4.3.3 Chemical and mineral composition analysis, XRD analysis, infrared spectrum analysis
    4.3.4 Major experiment equipments and reagents
    4.3.5 Digestion experiments
    4.3.6 Summary of Guangxi low A/S and high iron gibbsite bauxite
    4.4 Conclusions
    5 Laboratory tests of the high sulfur and low A/S diasporic bauxite
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Sample preparation and sampling
    5.3 Rock and mineral identification
    5.3.1 Major chemical and mineral compositions
    5.3.2 Structure of major minerals
    5.3.3 Iron, titanium and sulfur element occurrence
    5.3.4 Summary
    5.4 Chemical and mineral composition analysis, XRD analysis, infrared spectrum analysis
    5.4.1 Chemical and mineral composition analysis
    5.4.2 XRD analysis
    5.4.3 Infrared spectrum analysis
    5.5 Desulfurization flotation from high sulfur diasporic bauxite
    5.5.1 Major experimental equipment, reagents and flow sheet
    5.5.2 Grindability test of ore
    5.5.3 Methodologies and approach for desulfurization flotation laboratory tests
    5.5.4 First stage of flotation experiments
    5.5.5 Results and discussion of the scavenger flotation experiments
    5.5.6 Results and discussion of the three stages of cleaner flotation experiments
    5.5.7 Major chemical compositions of the final sulfur and aluminium minerals and middling
    5.5.8 The advantages and disadvantages of desulfurization flotation
    5.5.9 Summary of the dcsulfurization flotation
    5.6 Desulfurization from sodium aluminate solution with barium aluminate
    5.6.1 Major experimental equipments and reagents"
    5.6.2 Methodologies and approach for laboratory tests
    5.6.3 Sintering process of high sulfur and low A/S diasporic bauxite
    5.6.4 Synthesis experiments of barium aluminate
    5.6.5 Desulfurization experiments with barium aluminate
    5.6.6 Summary of desulfurization experiments with barium aluminate
    5.7 Conclusions of availability of high sulfur and low A/S diasporic bauxite
    6 Laboratory tests of potassic sandy shale
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Sample preparation and sampling
    6.3 Chemical and mineral composition analysis, scanning electron microscopic analysis and XRD analysis
    6.3.1 Chemical and mineral composition analysis
    6.3.2 Scanning Electron Microscopic analysis and XRD analysis
    6.4 Major experimental equipments and reagents
    6.5 Methodologies and approach for laboratory tests
    6.5.1 Approach for laboratory tests
    6.5.2 Methodologies
    6.6 Related calculation
    6.6.1 Calculation of sintering mixture
    6.6.2 Calculation of K2O volatilization rate when the potassic sandy shale is sintered
    6.6.3 Calculation of K2O leaching rate
    6.6.4 Calculation of Al2O3 leaching rate
    6.7 Exploratory experiments of high pressure digestion
    6.7.1 Flow sheet and digestion conditions choice
    6.7.2 Digestion time and calcia-silica ratio condition for exploratory experiments
    6.8 Experiments of soda-lime sintering process
    6.8.1 Flow sheet of soda-lime sintering process
    6.8.2 Principle of soda-lime sintering process
    6.8.3 Sintering experiments
    6.8.4 Clinker leaching experiments
    6.8.5 Carbonation decomposition experiments of leaching solution
    6.8.6 Extraction of potassium carbonate experiments
    6.8.7 Crop planting tests using silicon residues
    6.8.8 Major optimum conditions and technical data of soda-lime sintering processing
    6.9 Conclusions
    7 Summary, challenges and recommendations
    7.1 Summary
    7.2 Challenges
    7.3 Recommendations
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