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  • 出版社:中國測繪
  • ISBN:9787503032233
  • 作者:徐愛功//(斯裡蘭卡)A.H.拉克曼
  • 頁數:142
  • 出版日期:2013-12-01
  • 印刷日期:2014-09-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:235千字
  • 時間、空間、屬性是自然現像時空過程演化的三個基本特征或GIS數據庫的三種基本數據成分。在GIS框架內建立表達時空過程的數據模型是GIS的研究熱點。徐愛功、A.H.拉克曼編著的《面向過程的時空現像建模方法》引入π演算,提出並研究建立時空過程模型來表達和管理真實世界時空過程演化的動態變化過程,定義引入π演算後STPM中時間、空間以及時空域中特有的實體、屬性與行為以及多時空實體之間的拓撲關繫,建立SPTM體繫框架、概念模型、邏輯模型及物理模型,為時空模型研究提供新思路。從事空間數據時空過程分析模型的研究工作者及研究地球與自然現像演化過程的研究生的參考書。
  • 《面向過程的時空現像建模方法》由徐愛功、 A.H.拉克曼編著。 《面向過程的時空現像建模方法》簡介: This book develops an appropriate process model that allows for such a process oriented representation, which is built upon a theory of concurrent processes. In addi tion to the model, the mechanism technique is also introduced as a spatiotemporal extension of the famous process calculus language called FIcalculus, which is espe, cially designed for the mobile processes. The process model and its mechanism, called spatiotemporal process model (STPM) and spatiotemporal extension for 17calculus (STPicalculus) respectively, are capable to address the blanks that have mentioned previously. This model has been interpreted in six different phases and illustrated by considering each phase as a case study. The optimization possibilities of STPM have also been discussed to the natural hazards such as floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions etc. Logical modelling techniques for the STPM are introduced by using UMLRT and the model implanta tion possibilities discussed using Occam 17 without binding to a conceptual model.
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Scope of the Research
    1.2 Objectives
    1.3 Research Questions
    1.4 Motivation
    Chapter 2 Theoretical Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Abstraction of Reality
    2.3 Stages in the Development of Spatiotemporal Modelling
    2.4 Underlying Approaches
    2.5 Spatiotemporal Holes
    2.6 Teleporting to Ontological World
    Chapter 3 Ontological Foundation
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Process
    3.3 Ontological Foundation for the Spatiotemporal Phenomenon
    3.4 Introduction to IlCalculus Language
    3.5 ][Calculus for Phenomenal Decomposed Elements
    3.6 Concluding Part I
    Chapter 4 Conceptual Model
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Tightening Some Conceptual Screws
    4.3 SpatioTemporal Process Model Structure
    4.4 Model Behaviour
    4.5 Mechanism of the Model Introduction to Spatiotemporal Extended Ilcalculus
    4.6 Model Output Process Queries
    4.7 Towards the Model Interpretation
    Chapter 5 Model Interpretation
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Modelling Environment
    5.3 Modelling Structure
    5.4 Conceptual Model Simulation
    5.5 Preamble to the Expediency
    Chapter 6 Applicability of STPM
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 How Natural are Natural Hazards?
    6.3 Simulation of Natural Hazards
    6.4 Concluding Remarks
    Chapter 7 logical Process Modelling
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Introduction to UMLRT
    7.3 Logical Schema of STPM Structural Architecture
    7.4 Logical Schema of STPM Behavioural Architecture
    7.5 Logical Model Simulation
    7.6 Conclusion
    Chapter 8 Implementation Palhway
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Declaration of Model Primitives
    8.3 Declaration of Model Behaviours
    8.4 Identified limitations
    8.5 Concluding Part
    Chapter 9 Conclusions and Recommendations
    9.1 Conclusions
    9.2 Recommendations
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