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中華人民共和國電力行業標準(DL 5270-2012):核子法密度及含水
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【作者】 國家電力局 
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According to the Notice on Development and Revision of the First Batch of Energy Industry Standards in 2009 (GNKJ (2009) No. 163) issued by the National Energy Administration of the People's Republic of China.
In preparing this code, the drafiing staff made wide investigations, research, and data collection, reviewed the test methods and data concerning density and moisture measurement by nuclear methods used in China and abroad, and incorporated into this code the latest research findings on nuclear densitometer gauges.
This code covers the technical requirements for nuclear densitometer gauges, testing, standard count, gauge calibration, in-place test procedure, as well as safety protective measures.
In this code, the sub clauses in bold are compulsory and must be enforced strictly.
This code is proposed by the China Electricity Council.
flus code is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on Standardization of Hydropower Construction in Electric Power Industry.
Any comments and suggestions proposed during the execution of this code are to be referred to the Standardization Center of China Electricity Council at the following address: No.l, Ertiao Lane, Baiguanglu Road., Beijing 100761, China.


1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Gauge
4 Gauge operation
4.1 Backscatter mode
4.2 Transmission mode
5 Standard count
6 Calibration
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Density calibration by standard sample method
6.3 Density calibration by in-situ test method
6.4 Procedure for moisture calibration
7 In-place tests
7.1 Test preparations
7.2In-place tests
8 Safety measures
Explanation of wording in this code
List of quoted standards


《中華人民共和國電力行業標準(DL 5270-2012):核子法密度及含水量測試規程(英文版)》:
2.0.1 Gamma radiation backscatter method
A method for determining the density of the material under test by measuring the count rate of gamma radiation that is scattered toward a detector. In this method, the gamma radiation source and detector are lead shielded and located on the surface of the material under test. The radiation source emits gamma ray which then enters into and interacts with the material under test, and attenuates by redirecting (scattering). Gamma ray that is scattered towards the detector is counted.
2.0.2 Gamma radiation transmission method
A method for determining the density of the material under test by counting the gamma ray that passes through the material under test. In this method, the gamma radiation source emits ray which then enters into and interacts with the material under test, and part of gamma ray is redirected (scattered) away from the detector. The radiation passing through the material under test is received and counted by the detector.
2.0.3 Backscatter type nuclear densitometer gauge
A general term for nuclear densitometer gauges which test the density and moisture of materials under test by backscatter method.
2.0.4 Transmission type nuclear densitometer gauge
A general term for nuclear densitometer gauges which test the density and moisture content of materials under test by direct
2.0.5 Measured count
The measured output of a detector for gamma radiation or thermal neutrons for a given period of time. The measured count for gamma radiation and thermal neutrons is respectively known as density count and moisture count.
2.0.6 Standard count
The measured output of a detector for gamma radiation or thermal neutrons with a reference standard block for a given period of time under a specified test conditions. The standard count for gamma radiation and thermal neutrons is known as density standard count and moisture standard count, respectively.
2.0.7 Count ratio
The ratio of the measured density or moisture count to the density or moisture standard count, referred to as CR for short.
2.0.8 Measuringdepth
A depth in the material under test which at least 95% of the gamma ray or thermal neutrons can reach or penetrate before being detected by the detector, during the test, expressed in cm or mm. transmission method.


According to the Notice on Development and Revision of the First Batch of Energy Industry Standards in 2009 (GNKJ (2009) No. 163) issued by the National Energy Administration of the People's Republic of China.
In preparing this code, the drafiing staff made wide investigations, research, and data collection, reviewed the test methods and data concerning density and moisture measurement by nuclear methods used in China and abroad, and incorporated into this code the latest research findings on nuclear densitometer gauges.
This code covers the technical requirements for nuclear densitometer gauges, testing, standard count, gauge calibration, in-place test procedure, as well as safety protective measures.
In this code, the sub clauses in bold are compulsory and must be enforced strictly.
This code is proposed by the China Electricity Council.
flus code is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on Standardization of Hydropower Construction in Electric Power Industry.
Any comments and suggestions proposed during the execution of this code are to be referred to the Standardization Center of China Electricity Council at the following address: No.l, Ertiao Lane, Baiguanglu Road., Beijing 100761, China.

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