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《高職高專英語泛讀教程》是一套實用新穎、學考並重的全新閱讀教材。全套教材共分三冊,每冊,具有以下特點: 選材多樣新穎,語言地道,內容深刻,篇幅及難度適中;課後練習豐富多樣,從不同的角度訓練和提高學生的英語水平和應用能力;繫統講解閱讀技巧,並配以針對性強的練習,有效地鞏固和提高學生的閱讀技能;緊密結合“高職高專英語應用能力考試”和“大學英語四級考試”,使學生在日常學習中輕松備考。本書為其中的第二冊。


Unit 1 Advertisements Everywhere
Passage A Advertising——True or False?
Reading Skills Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions
Passage B Television Advertising Leads to Unhealthy Habits in Children
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun An Ad

Unit 2 Great Perseverance
Passage A A Brothers Song
Reading Skills Recognizing References
Passage B Ask, Ask, Ask
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun Mow LawnsJor Free

Unit 3 Going into the UN
Passage A History of the United Nations
Reading Skills Scanning
Passage B The Introduction of UN
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun Danish Air Force Compensates Santa

Unit 4 Famous Celebrities
Passage A Forever Anita Mui
Reading Skills Skimming
Passage B Ted Turner——the Founder of CNN
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun A Hot Proposal

Unit 5 Living with Mobiles
Passage A Can We Live Without Our Mobile Phones?
Reading Skills Detailed Reading
Passage B Mobile Phones
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun The Smart Way to Catch Burglars

Unit 6 Renewing Educational Concept
Passage A Nature School
Reading Skills Fast Reading
Passage B The School of Rock
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun A Dead Rabbit

Unit 7 Exploring Outer Space
Passage A Shenzhou VII Ready for Historic Task
Reading Skills Sequencing
Passage B Shenzhou VII Mission Marksthe Maiden Spacewalk by Clunese Astronauts
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun NASA and the Navajo

Unit 8 Cloning Genes
Passage A My Sister, My Clone
Reading Skills Underlining and Highlighting
Passage B Father of the Impossible Children
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun Pet Dog Cloning

Unit 9 Defining Success
Passage A Seeking the Meaning of Life
Reading Skills Making Inferences
Passage B A Commencement Address
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun Bigger and Better in Texas

Unit 10 Microsofts Development
Passage A Will Microsoft Still Be Microsoft Without Bill Gates?
Reading Skills Summarizing
Passage B ABC Interviews with Bill Gates
Reading Comprehension from PRETCO
Reading for Fun A Smart Italian
Key to Exercises


If you dont try to do what you love, if you dont pursue what you think will be most meaningful, youwill regret it. Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But dont begin with it.I think of this as my parking space theory of career choice, and I have been sharing it with students fordecades. Dont park 20 blocks from your destination because you think youll never find a space. Gowhere you want to be and then circle back to where you have to be.You may love investment banking or finance or consulting. It might be just right for you. Find workyou love. It is hard to be happy if you spend more than half your waking hours doing something youdont like.But what is ultimately most important here is that you are asking the question not just of me but ofyourselves. You are choosing roads and at the same time challenging your own choices. You have anotion of what you want your life to be and you are not sure the road you are taking is going to getyou there. This is the best news. Noticing your life, reflecting upon it, considering how you can live itwell, wondering how you can do good: These are perhaps the most valuable things that a liberal artseducation has equipped you to do. A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. Thesurest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Dont settle. Beprepared to change routes. Remember the impossible expectations we have of you, and even as yourecognize they are impossible, remember how important they are as a lodestar guiding you towardssomething that matters to you and to the world. The meaning of your life is for you to make.I cant walt to see how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know.

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